Tech at Night: They are Grubering us on Net Neutrality.

Tech at Night

It’s funny how even as firms like Google and Netflix claim that government regulation is so great, and we need Net Neutrality, we don’t see Google volunteering for Title II regulation of search, or Netflix volunteering for Title II price controls on streaming video. Oh, they didn’t mention the price controls when they told you Net Neutrality was about freedom, did they? Right.


They are Grubering us on Net Neutrality.

Remember when doctors and hospitals that refused Obamacare came under government pressure? Well AT&T doesn’t want to invest in fiber anymore while the threat of Title II Reclassification looms, and now FCC is throwing a tantrum.

This is probably bad news: The government says your domain is not your property.

I still think Carly Fiorina has the right idea here but there are a lot of really awful patents out there, and it’s completely out of the scope of what we actually need from a patent system to have a government-sponsored welfare program for trial lawyers. That’s what patent trolling is. We can protect actual innovators without giveaways to them.

How you can tell cable retransmission consent frees paid to ‘free, over the air’ channels are a regulatory giveaway: they’re growing much faster than inflation.

So Reddit isn’t as bad as 4chan but it is backing a drug dealer who threatened to kill a man to protect his racket.


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