Who's up and who's down in South Carolina polling, since New Hampshire?

(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

We had months to scrutinize the Iowa polling. We’re not getting much time in South Carolina, however. So we need to look fast to see what the moves are, before it’s too late and we’re on to the next state.


Who’s up, and who’s down?

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South Carolina is interestingly showing the opposite of a bounce for two of the top three finishers in New Hampshire, according to RCP:

Candidate Current average Change from Feb. 9
Trump 35.0 -3.0
Cruz 17.5 -3.0
Rubio 15.8 +2.3
Bush 10.3 +1.8
Kasich 9.0 +7.5
Carson 5.8 -2.7
Others 0.0 -4.0

Kasich finding a second place in New Hampshire just isn’t enough to get him in the running. With only a few days left, it will be interesting to see whose political brawling skills will get it done to move these numbers.



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