The Deplatformers' Latest Target: Dan Bongino

Fox News

It unfortunately isn’t a surprise anymore when we hear big tech coming after conservative influencers and pundits.

It seems pretty clear big tech has been bringing the pot up to a slow boil so the frog doesn’t notice it’s being cooked. But we get it, we get we’re being cooked.


The latest ax to fall is on a big name now in the conservative media universe, Dan Bongino.

As Legal Insurrection notes, Politico just ran a hit piece on him because he’s emerged as a powerful voice. But Politico falsely framed Bongino’s emergence to ‘conspiracy theories’ about the election.

Bongino — a former police officer and Secret Service agent who was a latecomer to the talk-show world — is the surprise leader in the far-right media sweepstakes set off by Trump’s refusal to concede the election. While the president’s chances of clinging to power remain wafer thin, the prospect of a new conspiracy theory that could dominate right-wing discourse for four years is not being ignored by the pundits, podcasters and mini-moguls who populate MAGA-world.

Not only is that wrong, but Bongino came to media prominence long before the fraud questions began being raised about the election.

But it may be coincidental (or not) that after that attack, Bongino and his various websites were demonetized by Outbrain, which is an online advertising system, without being clear why they were demonetizing them.


If you don’t have the advertising revenue then it’s hard to maintain sites. They don’t even identify to Bongino what the alleged problem is so he could explain or rectify it, they just use it as an excuse to boot him.

Bongino has clearly tried to diversify so he likely will be able to find alternatives to take the place of Outbrain.

But other people/sites might not have the ability to weather such a strike on their advertisers. We’ve seen the left use such attacks before when going after people like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, trying to knock them off Fox.

But it’s another warning to all of us that we need to prepare for this picking up and going full bore against all of us. If we think that social media and big tech are going to drop the hammer, and we already see they are, then we better have alternatives… outlets for social media to communicate and other hosts for websites who wouldn’t wilt in the middle of a fight.

That’s why some are fleeing Twitter for other places like Parler.

But we need to make sure that we have outlets which are not beholden or controlled by the left in any way because this will get worse.


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