First Pelosi's Home Gets Vandalized With Antifa Graffiti, Now McConnell's House Is Hit

Nicholas Kamm/Pool via AP

We reported last night on how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home was hit with graffiti on her garage, fake blood and a pig’s head in her driveway around 3 a.m. on Friday morning.


Her garage was spray-painted with a crossed-out “$2K” symbol replaced by “Cancel Rent,” with “We Want Everything!” following, as well as the Antifa symbols, an A for anarchy inside of a circle.

Some posited that that the graffiti seemed to have been put on carefully, on the garage, not on the brick, but the pictures are not clear.

Others connected it to a prior episode of graffiti against nearby Oakland Mayor Libby Scharf.

You can see the similarity of the red paint and the handwriting is quite similar.

Early Saturday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s house in Louisville Kentucky was hit.


Among the graffiti was “were’s my money,” “F–k Mitch” and “Mitch kills the poor.”

Stupid and can’t spell.

From NBC:

“I’ve spent my career fighting for the First Amendment and defending peaceful protest. I appreciate every Kentuckian who has engaged in the democratic process whether they agree with me or not,” the Republican leader said in a statement. “This is different. Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society.”

McConnell said he and his wife were not intimidated, but “hope our neighbors in Louisville aren’t too inconvenienced by this radical tantrum.”

The reference to money is likely blaming McConnell for holding up the $2000 stimulus checks. Pelosi in fact delayed stimulus relief in various stages for months. She also made it clear that they delayed until after the election to hurt the president’s chances, saying she could agree to it now because there was going to be a “new president.” They passed a $600 payment last week, but now wouldn’t be considering the $2000 until the next Congress.


McConnell had appended two provisions onto the with regard to repealing Section 230 and examining election integrity, saying the Senate wasn’t going to move without looking at the other two issues.

Antifa looks like the likely culprit for the Pelosi action and probably for the McConnell action as well. Pelosi hasn’t weighed in yet on the subject of the vandalism. Someone needs to ask her if she still thinks Antifa is “just an idea” now that they seem to have gotten around to her house.


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