Biden Is a Pandering Mess and Gets Lost on Stage Again

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Joe Biden was in town on Monday after spending part of the weekend in Delaware and making a speech in Selma, Alabama on Sunday commemorating the 58th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” where civil rights activists were beaten in Selma by the police. That was not the place to pander and lie about being involved in the civil rights movement. But that didn’t stop Biden, who did just that. He also lied about voting rights being endangered, which was especially despicable given the event.


On Monday, Biden was back in D.C. I feel like at this point, I can probably tell you what lie or exaggeration he’s going to tell depending upon what audience he’s going to appear before and pander to. Biden spoke at the 2023 International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference at the Hyatt Regency.

So what lie was he likely to pull out? You got it, that story about the fire at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. That’s gotten all sorts of rewrites from him over the various times that he’s told it. When we first heard him tell the tale, he said the house burnt down with his wife in it — which would have been a big problem for Jill if that was true. He then corrected it to say, she got out, but a good portion of the house burnt. That was also a lie.

This time, he adjusted it somewhat.

He claimed that there was smoke throughout all three stories of his home, despite the fire department saying publicly that the fire was a “small fire” contained to the kitchen and under control within 20 minutes. At least he spoke about the wife, the cat, and the Corvette in the right order of being saved.


Now, while I’ll give him there might be some smoke, I seriously doubt the claim that he replaced all the furniture on all three floors of the home and that would be a tremendous expense. But let’s take him at his word on that. Did he also move the documents that he had at the home from his time in the Senate, those documents from 1973 or 1974 about which he spoke? He would have had to move them if they were from that time. Funny how lies can come back around on you.

During his remarks to the firefighters, Biden seemed to come close to announcing a run for re-election, in that weird leaning-in, whispering way that he has.

“I’m telling my colleagues, ‘Don’t leave ’til we finish the job. We got more to do. I’m determined to finish the job.'”

Finish the job? As if he hasn’t harmed us enough already.

But although Biden made that comment, he didn’t declare it, so he still left people wondering. As I noted over the weekend, that uncertainty on the Democratic side will prompt more people to jump in to challenge him. So far only Marianne Williamson has taken that plunge.


However, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was asked about supporting Biden over the weekend and he said he needed to see who else was in the race. That’s a bad sign for Joe Biden. Manchin was making remarks that sounded like he might be thinking about throwing his hat in the ring. That would cause Biden a lot more difficulty than Williamson will.

When Biden wrapped his remarks before the firefighters, he gave a golden example of what’s been wrong with his administration on virtually every issue — he got lost, and couldn’t find the right way to go off the stage. How many times has that happened now? He had to be redirected on how to get off the stage.

That about says it all. No wonder Manchin refuses to say he’s going to support that.


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