Kamala's Bizarre, Problematic Comment About the Opposition and Joe Biden's Intellect

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Right now, the Democrats appear to be running with Joe Biden as their nominee. 

While California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been posturing in the background and sometimes acting like a candidate, he isn't one officially and you couldn't go to him until you went past Kamala Harris. But Kamala Harris is a problem because she just may be more unpopular than Biden, which is a neat trick. As I previously reported, ABC had Biden at only 33 percent approval, with 31 percent on the economy and only 28 percent thinking he was mentally capable of the job. That's put the Democrats in a box they may not be able to get out of, committed to a man who is incoherent. Of course, so are their policies, so maybe there's some synchronicity there. 


Read more: 

Disastrous, Historically Low Approval Numbers for Biden—Shocking How Many Think He Isn't Capable

Biden's Empty Eyes As He Holds Up Apples Is Going to Inspire Memes

Then, Kamala is still going out there and saying silly and/or bad things, showing that even the backup on the alleged Democratic ticket has a problem. 

This reporter asked why they aren't attacking former President Donald Trump a little more. Now, that's sort of a silly question because, so far, that's all they've done as a campaign option because they can't run on achievements. We saw Biden do that divisive attack on Trump and MAGA Americans near Valley Forge in early January. 

But what Kamala replied was bizarre.

"I am of the school that you either run without an opponent, or you run scared," she said, laughing her head off for no explainable reason. "I have learned that to be a fact, and that is the way I feel about any election." 

Now, I think, as with Biden, she's just spewing and has no idea what she is saying. 


But if you take what she said at face value, she is saying you shouldn't have opposition. Is that why Democrats are trying to boot Trump off the ballot and throwing all kinds of lawfare at him? Is she really admitting they want to run without opposition? Can we talk about who's wearing the fascist boots here? And these folks claim to be the champions of "democracy" all the time. 

One commenter on X thought that an ominous statement and suggested that Trump beef up his security.

But she continued in delirious form, attempting to convince us that Joe Biden wasn't incoherent, that he was "exceptionally smart." 

No one believes that. You can say it until the cows come home, and no one is falling for it because we've all seen Biden for decades and know that's not true. What's worse is that since he's been occupying the office, his one "asset" — the belief that he was moderate — has also been shown to be a fantasy. He's also shown he's a complete failure on foreign policy — so much for his experience. 



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