Moore to the Point - on Earth Day and Unsettled Science

(AP Photo/Martin Meissner, file)

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Saturday, April 23rd. Audio included below.

Friday marked the 53rd celebration of Earth Day. Now, I’m a big fan of the Earth and of protecting, preserving, and conserving it provided that we’re employing rational methods in doing so.


Unfortunately, like so much these days, environmental “science,” rather than being “settled,” has become politicized – not to mention downright silly. Doubt me? I invite you to read the compendium put together by my RedState colleague Brad Slager in honor of Earth Day. It’s titled: “For Earth Day We Study the Environmental Promises – From Fewer Witches to Deaf Fish to Mom Turning to Prostitution,” and catalogs in great detail the numerous contradictions to be found in the dire predictions of climate alarmists. Whether it be warnings of more shark attacks or fewer, the Earth turning faster or slower, more plentiful truffles or a shortage, what’s become readily apparent is that the science is anything BUT settled.

Brad sums it up thusly: “If everything can be blamed on global warming then it doesn’t matter, since those items cancel themselves out. By all appearances, the main thing that is agreed upon is that whatever does happen with global-climate-warming-change it is assuredly disastrous.”



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