Democrats Showing Flopsweat In Arizona Races

Polls show pretty clearly that there’s at least one part of the Democratic coalition that’s deeply unhappy with the Obama Administration so far: Hispanic voters. Many voted for Barack Obama because they expected he would deliver on immigration reform, economic growth, and cheaper, better health care.


With the President now 0-for-3 on their top priorities, it’s clear many are looking around for better options. The President’s approval rating has fallen from 75 percent to 52 percent with Hispanic voters. Despite an extraordinary hard sell by the White House, Obamacare enrollment among Latinos was lower than the administration hoped. It’s clear the Democrats are bleeding support among a formerly-solid demographic – and it’s showing up all over the place. Latinos in Colorado disapprove of Obamacare. A majority disapprove in Texas as well. A recent poll even shows Rick Scott ahead with Hispanic voters in Florida.

The conservative Hispanic organization, the LIBRE Initiative, is reminding Latino voters who’s responsible for the Obamacare disaster.  Part of that response is an ad campaign in Arizona, aimed at endangered Democrat incumbents Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01) and Ron Barber  (AZ-02)– two Democrats with large Hispanic constituencies, who have to be wondering why they’re being made to pay for a law that’s ruining healthcare.

What’s the answer from the Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi’s Soros-funded House Majority PAC is changing the subject.

They’ve launched ads accusing Barber opponent Martha McSally of wanting to ‘privatize Social Security.’ The odd thing is, this charge has already been completely debunked. Even Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s “fact checker” who has rarely found a Democrat attack false awards it “Three Pinocchios” saying:


 This ad has rather flimsy evidence to justify the use of such politically-charged code words (“privatizes Social Security in the stock market”). We might have given this ad Four Pinocchios if we had a better sense of McSally’s policy proposals, but in any case it’s time for Democrats to stop playing this particular scare-seniors card.

The Soros/Pelosi group ran almost exactly this same ad months ago – and the Post pointed out there’s no basis for the charge. Why repeat these lies? As the Post says ‘Polling must show that such false attacks work.’

The ad launched by Soros and Pelosi in defense of Ann Kirkpatrick is even more stunning. It warns that LIBRE used an actress in their ad (shocking!), and says that Kirkpatrick challenger Andy Tobin has a pro-insurance company agenda.

What must that say of Kirkpatrick, who backs a law that requires every American to purchase insurance company products, under pain of a tax penalty?


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