Does Bernie Have a Path to the Democrat Nomination?

Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. acknowledges his supporters on arrival at a campaign rally, Tuesday, March 8, 2016, in Miami. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

After Arizona’s Democrat primary, Hillary Clinton pulled ahead of Bernie Sanders with ease. With just 71% of the precincts reporting, Clinton had 60.5% of the vote, to 37% for Sanders.


Sanders posted impressive wins in Idaho and Utah, but they were smaller states, with fewer delegates.

From California, Sanders gave his typical, “Rich people are bad” stump speech.

Clinton has 1711 delegates at this point. Sanders has 939. Some could make the case for a sweep of the western states giving Sanders a boost, but at best, that’s just a lot of “What if…” It’s highly unlikely that’s going to happen.

From California, however, Sanders is touting the “movement.” If you missed it, that’s the movement to get more free stuff.

Sanders is truly separated from any semblance of reality if he thinks he has a path forward, at this point. He’s like the John Kasich of the Democrat party.


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