"An Absolute Joke": Pollster Remarks on Trump's Sham Campaign

Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gather at Trump Tower Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, in New York. Trump insisted he would "never" abandon his White House bid, facing an intensifying backlash from Republican leaders across the nation who called on him to quit the race following the release of his sexually charged comments caught on tape.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

Pollster, Frank Luntz, is echoing what many of us have pointed out for months:

Trump is running the most unorganized, disastrous campaign EVER.

It’s almost as if his true goal was to lose.


(I’m not saying… I’m just saying.)

Luntz points out:

“There are states where there is not a single Trump headquarters. He spent more money on hats than he did on survey research, than he did on understanding voters. This is a campaign that is an absolute joke,” the veteran GOP pollsters told Yahoo News’ Katie Couric in an interview this week.

A really, really bad joke.

The hats are just merchandising, and it’s all about the Trump brand, not the campaign.

Luntz went on to highlight the problem with Trump’s method, as it unfolded after the last debate.

“Every day there’s another batch of emails and every day we learn more about what [Hillary Clinton] has done,” he said, referring to the 30,000-plus hacked emails from the inbox of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that have been released by WikiLeaks since the beginning of October.

But very few voters have learned about the damaging revelations contained in Podesta’s emails because Trump “speaks so loudly that all the cameras are on him, removing the oxygen in the room that should also be about her,” Luntz said.

A recent focus group of undecided voters proved him right after many of them announced they would not vote for Clinton upon seeing news coverage of what was revealed in her campaign’s internal emails. When Luntz showed the group videos of Trump attacking Clinton for the same scandals, “they all went back to being undecided.”


And it is the undecideds who may actually make or break this election.

The facts are, both candidates are very much disliked. This is unlike anything our nation has ever had to deal with.

I mean, we’ve had unlikable candidates before, but nothing on this scale of tragically awful.

Luntz went further:

“Not only did he not win them over, he actually turned them off because his language is wrong, [and] his presentation is wrong,” he told Couric.

“This candidate tapped into something unique [but] has absolutely lost his focus,” he said, later adding that the Republican presidential hopeful has run “the worst campaign that I have ever seen in my professional life.”

Either the worst campaign we’ve ever seen, or the greatest political con ever pulled.


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