Kellyanne Conway Wants Journos, Pundits Who Speak Poorly of Trump Fired, But Wait...

Let it be clear: If you are a pundit, journalist, or just a random talking head who opposed Trump, Kellyanne Conway wants you sit down and shut up.

It’s the never-ending Trump mantra of “fake news.”


Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Conway railed against those who had pointed out her “alternative facts” comment, as she defended White House press secretary, Sean Spicer.

Said Conway:

“Who is cleaning house? Which one is going to be the first network to get rid of these people, the people who think things were just not true?” Conway asked on “Fox News Sunday.”

It’s as if Conway’s sole purpose, these days, is to put out fires and make sure somebody within the Trump camp is attacking the media, at all times.

“Not one network person has been let go. Not one silly political analyst and pundit who talked smack all day long about Donald Trump has been let go,” she added. “I’m too polite to mention their names, but they know who they are, and they are all wondering who will be the first to go. The election was three months ago. None of them have been let go.”


What is she talking about?

Is it her position that only those who have praised Trump should be allowed to speak?

It’s been an ongoing thing with Trump and his people versus the media.

I’ve said it here before, and I will continue to say it: When you have a leader who wants to be the source and sole voice the people hear from, you should worry.

So Conway wants all those who oppose Trump shut down?

Fine, but she’s invested a whole lot of time and a good portion of her soul into Team Trump, just to be cast off, now.

That’s right, Kellyanne. You’re pretty much a hypocrite, so when you shut your mouth, maybe we’ll shut ours.


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