Senate Intelligence Committee Sets Their Sights on Atty Gen Jeff Sessions

Speaking on MSNBC Friday morning, Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) revealed that the Senate Intelligence Committee are looking to interview Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as well as requesting certain documents.


Apparently, there is more they feel Sessions can bring to the investigation.

Collins’ comments come after a report from CNN that former FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers in a closed hearing on Thursday that Sessions may have had a third, undisclosed meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak during the 2016 campaign.

“There are some unanswered questions. The Attorney General clearly made the right decision in recusing himself from the Russian investigation,” Collins added. “He made the right call.”


This, however, was not how President Trump saw it, if reports are even close to true.

Recent reports suggest Trump has been upset with Sessions over his decision to recuse himself. The recusal came as a surprise to the president, and he feels that the investigation, as well as the addition of a special investigator, Robert Mueller, could have been avoided, had Sessions remained involved.

Sessions recused himself from any federal investigation into Russia’s hand in the 2016 election after it was revealed he failed to disclose to the Senate two meetings he had with Kislyak in 2016 while he was an advisor to then-candidate Trump during his campaign.

According to CNN, Sessions’ third meeting with the Russian ambassador came in April 2016, around the time when Trump gave his first major foreign policy speech.


As it is, Sessions is probably the one person involved in this with the cleanest hands.

His meetings with Kislyak could be written off as his duties as a senator, and he did recuse himself, as to avoid any appearance of impropriety.

That already puts him far and above anyone else that has found themselves entangled in this growing investigation.


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