Watch as Trump Keeps Finding Ways to Mock the Basics of Christianity (Video)

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson gave what was probably the most spiritually dry prayer, outside of “Good food, good meat. Good God, let’s eat!” than you are likely to hear in some time, during a cabinet meeting, on the day of the Senate vote on the Republican tax reform bill.


Prayed Carson:

“We thank you for the president and for Cabinet members who are courageous, who are willing to face the winds of controversy in order to provide a better future for those who come behind us,” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said in the prayer.

“We’re thankful for the unity in Congress that has presented an opportunity for our economy to expand so we can fight the coercive debt that has been destroying our future. And we hope that unity will expand beyond party lines,” he added.

“In this time of discord, distrust and dishonesty, we ask that you would give us a spirit of gratitude, compassion and common sense,” and wisdom, “in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit,” Carson concluded.

That wasn’t a prayer, Secretary Carson. That was a political speech, and I assure you, Father God is not a partisan.

That groan-inspiring bit aside, what was most corrupt was, of course, President Trump opening what was supposed to be a moment of prayer by taking a jab at the press who were present, because you should always enter prayer on a scornful note, right?

As he informed the reporters they (and their cameras clicking… gotta make sure those he refers to as, “the Christians” can see all he’s doing for them) could stay, he couldn’t help himself.

“You need the prayer more than I do, I think. You may be the only ones,” he said, to laughter from the Cabinet.


Not a surprising comment from someone who has said publicly that he doesn’t bring God into his life, says he has no need of God’s forgiveness, and has suggested that he can do it on his own.

You’d think the man with possibly the most stressful job in the nation would need more prayer, not less.

Of course this moment was absolutely just for show, and while the lukewarm vat of Trump Christians will pass around this as if it were a moment of spiritual revival in the land, those with spiritual discernment are left cold.

OH… and somebody tell the high holy man sitting in the White House that people use the term “say grace” to refer to saying the blessings before a meal. One of those two Corinthians should have told him.



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