Watercooler 08/26/17 Open Thread: Last Week, RedState - Grieving the End of the Animal House Movie Genre

Welcome to today’s edition of Watercooler: Last Week, RedState.   This WC is all about Posts, Reader’s Diaries, and comments at RedState.

Hot Topics Last Week:


SJW Buzzkill: Over in one of the Water Coolers, various and sundry items were discussed including Vikings one of the commenters noted that the SJWs can be such buzzkills as they take all of the fun in this society where there was this:

The University of Michigan a chapter of Delta Sigma Phi had been planning an ancient Egyptian-themed frat party for the elite school’s Welcome Week festivities.  A nobody from Egyptian Student Association President Yasmeen Afifi caught wind of the advertisement and tweeted a screenshot of it accompanied by a perturbed message: “white UMich back on their bulls**t & culture appropriation can’t wait!!!

You know, it used to be that only nerds were this socially clumsy and not able to let go sufficiently to have fun but the SJWs have found new and innovative uses for corncobs!  This has to stop soon or we won’t have any campy movies like Animal House! 

New Afghanistan Policy: Thanks to Teri Christoph you can read the entirety of the speech here “Trump’s Announcement of New Afghanistan Strategy”   Streiff had this piece on Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy Hits All the Right Notes

Another piece, America Cannot Afford to Have Afghanistan Become the New Vietnam, Josh Kimbrell expressed a concern shared by many Americans.  But, we may not be headed down that memory hole again because, as at least one of our intrepid community has noted that one of the best books about this war is Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff written by one of the authors of the new policy, H. R. McMaster, where, after studying the Vietnam War extensively he concluded that:


The war in Vietnam was not lost in the field, nor was it lost on the front pages of the New York Times or the college campuses. It was lost in Washington, D.C.
—H. R. McMaster

You will be made to care: The left coast never fails to rise up to their reputation with this piece by Kimberly Ross where they are making like some of their closely related ideological cousins as the try to create a new generation of the Hitlerjugend with INDOCTRINATION: Teacher Promotes Transgenderism and Allows “Reveal” in Elementary Class

A bridge too far:  Streiff had this piece on the collective neurosis this country is experiencing as he reports that ESPN Pulls Asian Announcer from College Football Game Because of Fear of Fan Backlash. The CliffsNotes version is that Robert Lee, an Asian announcer, was pulled off of the broadcast team for  football game because they are afraid fans could not handle the shock!

Well, there were actually two of those bridges this week as NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio May Remove Grant’s Tomb Along With Columbus Statue!  This is devastating news for all of us corny joke aficionados!

RedState Gatekeeper:


As noted in my July 1st post, a few members of the RedState community have pointed out that the Posting Rules link does not work and I was going to “post one or more of the rules each week until the Posting Rules are restored”.  A complete list of these rules can be found in the diary here but we are now up to #11:


11. The use of multiple accounts by a single person in a covert, deceptive way to provide the appearance of greater support for his/her views, (commonly known as “sock puppeting”) is not allowed.

Memorable RedState One-Liners:

Schneck has a degree in chemistry and seems like he might be a few french fries shy of a Happy Meal” — Streiff

“The harder problem [in dealing with the new military transgender policy] is dealing equitably with people who have had the rules changed. Cutting off (hahaha) surgery is a logical first step.” –Streiff


Drink up, that’s it for the Watercooler today. Remember, it’s an open thread all about RedState contributors from the front page, Reader’s Diaries, or in the comments section.

Thanks for stopping by, hanging out, and drink up.


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