
California Legislature Nitwittery: Assembly Members Would Mandate Training for 'Trans/Nonbinary' Births

AP Photo/John Hanna

Our oldest daughter has worked in emergency medicine for over fifteen years, and boy howdy, she has some stories to tell. In a recent episode of "What's New in Nitwittery" a person came in with abdominal pains and an ambiguous appearance. Our daughter asked, as part of the initial screening, "Miss, when was your last period? Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" The patient reacted with a snap, "I'm a man." 

Our daughter had already conducted enough of an examination to note that this tree had no twig or berries at the appropriate level. "So," she said, "Look. I don't care what you call yourself. But I need to know what parts you have because if you have something like an ectopic pregnancy and I don't rule that out, you will die."

The proper delivery of medical treatment relies on a rational assessment of facts, and one of those facts is the patient's sex. Not "gender," not "identity," but their sex: Are they a setter or a pointer? 

Now, in an upcoming episode of "What's New in Nitwittery," a pair of California legislators are pushing a bill to mandate "transgender and non-binary" for doctors treating "birthing persons."

Yes, really.

Under AB 2319, introduced by Assemblymembers Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, and Akilah Weber, D-La Mesa, healthcare facilities that have providers who fail to comply would face $10,000 fines on their first violation and $25,000 fines per subsequent violation, along with listing on a state website. The fine would be assessed for failure to provide compliance documents for each required individual who fails to complete the training — this includes not only doctors and nurses licensed to provide perinatal (before and after birth) and prenatal (while pregnant) care, but “all persons who may interact with perinatal patients, including, but not limited to, receptionists, housekeeping, orderlies, physician assistants, [and] medical assistants.” 

The bill would also add, “the Legislature recognizes all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience” to the state’s health and safety code.

To say this is a detriment to the proper delivery of medical care is a gross understatement.

See Related: DEI Is Turning Deadly 

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To be pregnant and give birth, one must have ovaries, fallopian tubes, a uterus, and a vagina. It matters not a jot what one "identifies" as - one can "identify" as a roast beef and Swiss on rye, and you still can't be pregnant and give birth unless you have those parts.

These are facts.

If one has any parts other than these - say, testicles and a penis - then no matter what you "identify" as, no matter how hard you believe you are anything other than a male human, you will never be pregnant and never give birth.

These are facts.

It's unclear what these California legislators are trying to accomplish here. Anyone who can be pregnant and give birth has the parts noted above, and prenatal and perinatal treatment is based on that and the accompanying factors like hormonal balance which, if messed with, has the potential to damage a developing child.

Even now, the Biden Administration is seeking to compound this confusion.

Legislation of this kind is not only a waste of the California Legislature's time and the California people's tax dollars, it's unnecessary and could be harmful. The proper delivery of medical care is reliant on a strict assessment of facts, and it is a reality that the only people who can be pregnant and give birth are people who are, biologically and genetically, women. Medical care must be delivered on those physical considerations and none other.

These are facts.

But more and more, it seems the left is willing to cast away facts in the pursuit of an agenda - even when that agenda could cost lives.


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