NBC anchor to Obama: 'That ain’t the way this is going to play out.'

Via Ed Morrissey:

I got a kick out of President Obama saying that even when the cameras go away we’ll still be there for you. That ain’t the way this is going to play out. If anything, the cameras being here have compelled outside interests – government, BP – to kick this into another gear. With all due respect, the President might have had his scenario off by 180 degrees.


This is a really great interview by Mediaite’s Steve Krakauer. Williams is unguarded and open. As Ed notes, it’s premature to conclude that Obama has ‘lost BriWi’ as Krakauer put it, but it’s a telling commentary on the administration’s handling of the spill nevertheless. When the bottom line from a MSM anchor is that your Democratic administration is only interested in an environmental catastrophe involving the dreaded BIG OIL!!! when the camera is rolling … yeah. You’re messing up.

Williams’ “Daily Nightly” blog is celebrating its 5-year anniversary. He’s giving an interview to a website via blogtalkradio. Yet another example of how the internet and the blogs in particular can get candid commentary the public might not otherwise ever hear.


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