Daily Links - June 20, 2012

Today is June 20th. • On this date in 1782, Congress adopted the Great Seal of the United States. It took six years of discussion and debate to finalize the seal, during which one congressman said they would have to pass the seal in order to see what was on it. • On this date in 1863, West Virginia was admitted to the Union as the 35th state. It would have been two days earlier, but they were waiting to see how the canary fared. • Also on this date, in 1963, the Soviet Union and the United States established a “hot line” communication system to reduce the risk of “accidental” nuclear war. Man, can you imagine the hallmark card for that oops? “Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re sorry we nuked the snot out of you.” • And finally, today is National Ice Cream Soda Day. I’m having mine in a 32 ounce cup, with three scoops of vanilla, and side of insulin. YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME, NANNY STATERS!! • Consider this an Open Thread.


Morgan Freeman: ‘We’re In a Lot of Trouble If We Don’t Reelect Obama’ | Newsbusters
“And I think, this is Morgan Freeman’s personal thought, we’re going to be in a lot of trouble if we don’t reelect him because people on the other side of the fence scare me.”

MSNBC Host on 9/11: ‘Muslim Terrorists’ Were An ‘Imagined Racial Enemy’ For White America | The Blaze
“Perry, who anchors The Melissa Harris-Perry show on the weekends, remarked that 9/11 vaulted America into a ‘nationalist fervor’ that was similar to ‘having post-traumatic stress disorder.’”

Video: Kids Sing ‘God Bless the USA’, Libs Tell Them to “Burn In Hell” | The Mental Recession
“Let’s get this straight – you dislike pro-American songs, and you want children, their parents, and Republicans in general to burn in hell.”

Lawrence O’Donnell Mocks Ann Romney for Riding Horses to Combat Multiple Sclerosis | Newsbusters
“If going for walks, going to the museum, watching television, or, heaven forbid, riding horses helped ‘regenerate her strength and renew [her] vigor,’ isn’t that a good thing?”

Rep. Loretta Sanchez: ‘Mitt Romney Doesn’T Even Want Us To Be Here’ | Free Beacon
“Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D., Calif.) said Wednesday of Latinos that Mitt Romney ‘doesn’t even want us to be here.’”

Your 1-Minute Video Could Be Featured in FrackNation! | FrackNation
“We want you to submit 1-minute (or shorter) clips of what energy means to you. We’re so excited about what you’re going to submit, that we want to include the most compelling clips in FrackNation! Three winners will be chosen by the directors of FrackNation.”


Fast & Furious: Why the Failure to Submit a Privilege Log is a Big Deal from SunshineStateSarah

noctilucent (nok-tuh-LOO-suhnt): adjective Visible during the short night of the summer.
(via Dictionary.com)


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