Anne Hathaway Wants You to Check Your Privilege



On July 22, John Cowell murdered Nia Wilson. That is a terrible tragedy which should be treated with somber respect.

The following article isn’t about the abomination of the murder, but rather, Hollywood and the perspective of one arbiter of justice.


So here we go…

Concerning the terrible crime, in which case the victim was a black female and the assailant a white male:

Actress Anne Hathaway is using the occasion to teach us about race in America.

If you are white, the first thing you must know, according to Anne, is that you and she are privileged.

I’ll say that again:

You and Anne Hathaway are privileged.

There’s a sense to it–

Anne Hathaway is white; you are white (if you are white).

Anne Hathaway was born in America; you were born in America.

Anne Hathaway is worth $35 million, you–

Let me pause for a moment to say: Congratulations!

Wait — I just remembered: I’M worth $35 million, too!

Now I don’t even think I should finish this article; I have money I need to spend.

Sorry, RedState.

To the contrary, I may not be white. Or even close. You don’t know.

But if you’re white, Anne’s got your number, baby!

Here’s something else she knows about you: You need to accept truth — the fact that all black people fear for their lives, daily, in America.

You do…if you’re black.

And perhaps so do I; again, you don’t know.

Either way, take it away, Anne, via Instagram:

The murder of Nia Wilson- may she rest in the power and peace she was denied here- is unspeakable AND MUST NOT be met with silence. She is not a hash tag; she was a black woman and she was murdered in cold blood by a white man.

White people- including me, including you- must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS. White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence.

Given those givens, we must ask our (white)selves- how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?


Anne ends the post with the following hashtags: #blacklivesmatter #antiracist #noexcuse #sayhername #earntherighttosayhername

A few thoughts:

  • Anne says Nia wasn’t granted “power” on earth. How does she know? Is it because Nia was black? Therefore, since “all” black people fear for their lives each day, no black people are powerful? Was Thurgood Marshall powerful? He made decisions that potentially affect every American citizen. Is LeBron James powerful? He’s worth $440 million (and on his way to being a billionaire); you and Anne only have $35. Also, LeBron is 6’8″ and 250 lbs. I doubt he’s afraid of white people. What about Barack Obama? He’s half black; was he only half powerful in the White House? I’d like to think that Nia was powerful. That she lived a strong life. I hope she did. Certainly, black women in America can be so. And do.
  • Why are we viewing Nia Wilson through the prism of her race? I believe she was more than that.

And I believe Anne means well.

But not everyone is privileged like she.

Outside of finances, we’re all struggling in one way or another. Nia’s struggle was ended by evil, not color. May those who love her remember her — for her life, her spirit, her power. Much more than for her race.



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think of this story in the Comments below. And please check out the Colin Kaepernick articles in the links above.

For something totally different, here are my write-ups of Harvey Weinstein and his courtroom plea, Bill Clinton’s explanation of why he couldn’t get elected today, and Disney’s hiring and firing of Keith Olbermann vs Roseanne.

Find all my RedState work here.

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