Preschool Teachers Placed on Paid Leave for Stripping Toddlers Naked and Locking Them in the Closet



Two preschool supervisors are on paid leave due to the alleged abuse of children.

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville oversees Head Start — a program for 4- and 5-year-olds.


According to accusations, a 26-year-old Head Start teacher was punishing her toddlers by making them strip naked and get in a closet.

What the freakin’ crap??

As per SIUE Chief of Police Kevin Schmoll, speaking to KMOV4:

“Children would misbehave in class and the teacher would have them disrobe and stand them, make them stand inside a closet for five or 10 minutes as their discipline. Then they would redress and join the class.”

KMOV4 reports that 4 of the 20 children were made to endure such degrading and frightening treatment.

The teacher began the regimen as early as February, though authorities weren’t notified ’til last Thursday.

In an interview with The Southern Illinoisan, Schmoll praised the strength of the first child who came forward:

“The little boy who first reported it was very brave for coming forward. That is how we were able to discover this in the first place.”

In addition to the teacher who forced the naked kids into the closet, a 41-year-old instructor watched the abuse and did not report it. She, too, has been placed on leave.

To this, I believe we all say good, good, and GOOD.

–If the allegations are correct, of course.

And if so, the 26-year-old is a very demented person who should never again be put in any position of authority over a child. Or possibly even a dog. A cat may be okay — they’re already naked, and they love hangin’ out by themselves.


On the topic of abuse: If you haven’t already, please read my article on the Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland. And join the discussion here. I look forward to hearing from you.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me: falsely accused of rape, exonerated for rape, and a Taco Bell beatdown.

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