What is This? CNN Refers to Bernie Sanders as Thanos

This image released by Disney shows Josh Brolin as Thanos in a scene from Marvel Studios' "Avengers: Infinity War." (Marvel Studios via AP)

This image released by Disney shows Josh Brolin as Thanos in a scene from Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Infinity War.” (Marvel Studios via AP)




Well — this one surprised me.

On Tuesday, a CNN analyst compared everyone’s favorite democratic socialist to a Marvel super villain.

During morning staple New Day, anchor Alisyn Camerota likened new advocates for Joe Biden to the Avengers.

As noted by Alisyn, Joe’s rackin’ ’em up.

So far, he’s gotten the thumbs up from former 2020 hopefuls Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, and Pete Buttigieg.

Sound like a supersquad?

So goes it with Alisyn:

“That was a team. Okay? So what I saw was more than just an endorsement. I saw a joining together akin to — I mean, Joe Biden…he called it a team, so either he was taking a page from Abraham Lincoln, or to [Wajahat Ali’s] point, the Avengers.”

Therefore — as rolled out by Wajahat — Trump isn’t the megalamaniac supervillain after all:

“Yes. It was the great modern Avengers … It was all of them combined together to get the stones from Thanos. I thought Thanos was Trump, but apparently it’s Bernie Sanders.”

How’s the likeness?


Or should we stick to the O.G?

Remember this White House moment?

When it comes to Thanos, CNN’s Van Jones is definitely Team Trump:

As for Wajahat, his sensibilities may veer a smidge from yours: the New York Times contributor went on to describe Beto O’Rourke — who promised to confiscate by force the best-selling hunting rifle in America — a “moderate.”

Do the New Avengers have what it takes to thwart Thanos?

Wajahat pointed out that Biden’s comic book cred had been quite questionable.

But now he’s lookin’ super. Maybe:

“Right now this is a last ditch effort to prop up Joe Biden, who let’s be honest, had a very flagging campaign so far, disappointing, but he came through last second in South Carolina, resurrected his campaign, got $10 million on the weekend, and he’s going to be competitive.”



“I think Bernie is going to get the delegate edge.”

Well, ahead of Super Tuesday, as indicated by RealClearPolitics, he was averaging 26% support.

Biden was sittin’ on 24.6.

But the movie ain’t over.

If CNN’s gonna refer to Biden and his formerly-competing supporters as a superhero team, why not get some political traction from the name itself?

In line with the candidate’s apparent efforts to get woke, perhaps Joe Cool and the Gang would better sock it to the patriarchy as the X-Men.



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