Wokeness on Tap: College Teaches Antiracist Tap Dancing

Turner Classic Movies via AP

Have you long wanted to tap dance, but feared a lack of anti-whiteness while toe-whacking the wood? A Maine school is set to make you footloose and white-supremacy-free. As a bonus, you'll be stomping the patriarchy.


Colby College is offering curious customers an opportunity to explore. Its website explains:

January Program

Our exploratory term in January, Jan Plan, gives students opportunities to choose among hundreds of different academic experiences. It’s a time for focused study, for interning, or for conducting research. Students are required to complete three Jan Plans, but 90 percent of students elect to do four. It’s just that good.

The Jan Plan "encourages...students and faculty to explore non-traditional subjects and innovative pedagogies," as well as to "push the boundaries of the academic disciplines and the traditional classroom." 

Per Colby's catalogue, past Jan Plan provisions include:

  • Furniture Making
  • Blacksmithing
  • Sheep to Shawl
  • Meteorology
  • Make Advertising That Doesn’t Suck

And now, there's something socially just you can tap your toe to -- a cutting-edge combo, topped with the hottest woke trend of wrongly pluralizing words:

AA223Jj Critical Race Feminisms and Tap Dance

From the official description:

An introduction to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the art of tap dance. Students will learn about the history of tap dance in the United States and abroad, the concept of intersectionality, and the systemic and institutionalized nature of racism. 


Don't merely dip your toes into antiracism...

Students will learn to perform and name basic tap skills and the "shim sham shimmy," a dance historically performed by African-American female tap dancers in Harlem; to perform a visual cultural analysis; to understand and think critically about Critical Race Theory, black feminist thought; and to know...[tap dance's] significance to racial politics in the United States.

Via classic Hollywood films, there's been a flock of famous white tap dancers; were they guilty of cultural appropriation? Presumably, the course would say yes. These days -- guided by CRT, "antiracism," and the like -- American life is seen as a clash of oppressors and victims. Compliments of clodhopping Caucasians, tyranny is afoot:

Sheep From the Goats: University Tells White Students to Stop Exhausting Everyone Else

American University Creates Black-Only Version of Required Course on 'Anti-Blackness'

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In an effort to balance justice's scales, here's another offering from Colby College:

AM493D Senior Seminar: Interrogating Whiteness 

This capstone guides students through the process of designing, researching, and writing a major paper on a topic that interrogates whiteness. "White" is a constructed racial category, but it often remains invisible in American discourses on race. Students will analyze the histories, structures, and representations of whiteness in the US. Why, despite US disavowals of racism, does racial injustice persist? How does white privilege intersect with gender and class to produce social, spatial, legal, political, environmental, and economic inequalities? What is white supremacy? What forms does antiracism take? ... Four credit hours.

Also available:

AA263 Black Joy

Like seemingly every American arena, college has evolved into an apparatus for social revolution. The educational system aims to right colonialist wrongs rather than simply train students for success after graduation. 

Concerning the aforementioned claim of racism's "systemic and institutionalized nature," it's a curious contemporary constant. Those who make the allegation indicate they're aware of specific white supremacy literally written into institutional operation. Yet, rather than pointing out the particulars so it may be immediately expunged, they prefer to only repeatedly reference its existence.


Hopefully, one day someone will decide to reveal and identify each explicitly racist rule or regulation. 'Til those KKK-ish cats are out of the bag, the world can de-feet whiteness by tap dancing to the social-justice cadence of Critical Race Theory -- and, of course, multiple "feminisms."


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Find all my RedState work here.

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