Planned Parenthood Execs Are Earning Big Bucks From the Abortion Industry

Senior executives at Planned Parenthood are among the top earners in the U.S. nonprofit sector, with their salaries exceeding the average income for CEOs in the industry, according to the latest analysis.


STOPP International, a subsidiary of the American Life League that focuses on monitoring Planned Parenthood and its activities, recently published a report called “The STOPP International 2023 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation.” The report provides an in-depth examination of the earnings of executives associated with Planned Parenthood compared to other non-profits.

“Planned Parenthood continues, year after year, to dramatically increase the salaries of its affiliate corporation CEOs and its New York headquarters staff while continually crying poverty and seeking and receiving more and more taxpayer money,” read the report’s executive summary.

The report found that “average compensation for a CEO at Planned Parenthood rose from $237,999 in 2015 to $317,564 in 2020 (a 33.4% increase in five years),” compared with an “average American wage in 2020 of $55,629—a 15.6% increase in five years.” Meanwhile, total compensation paid to all Planned Parenthood affiliate CEOs increased from $13.3 million in 2015 to $16.8 million in 2020—a 26.3% increase.

The figures put the average Planned Parenthood CEO among the 98th percentile of wage earners. Even the lowest compensation for a Planned Parenthood CEO of $124,045 placed her in the 89th percentile of earners, while the highest compensation of $616,926 puts her in the 99th percentile.


According to Planned Parenthood’s own data, the average salary for the CEO affiliates was $317,000, while the average salary for nonprofit CEOs in the U.S. is around $185,000.

The report also found a disparity in salaries by gender and race, a particularly interesting revelation for an organization that aligns itself so closely with the ideas of equality pushed by the political left. It highlighted that out of 53 CEOs of Planned Parenthood affiliates, only seven identified as people of color, including four who were Black and three who were Hispanic. Both the second and third-highest earners at the organization are white men, who are paid $592,432 and $570,726, respectively.

In their concluding remarks, the report’s authors take aim at the huge sums of taxpayer funds funneled through Planned Parenthood:

The exorbitant salaries of most Planned Parenthood affiliate CEOs and headquarters executives, and the disparity in salaries by gender and race, are even more revealing once you see that Planned Parenthood— organized as a nonprofit that pays no taxes—reported total profit (income in excess of expenditures) of $408 million over the past three reporting years. This “nonprofit” also reported an income of $5.2 billion over the past three years. Included in that amount is $1.9 billion in government health services grants and reimbursements.


The report concludes by calling on Congress to strip Planned Parenthood of its status as a charitable organization, citing the huge number of innocent babies killed via the procedure every year:

Taxpayers have every reason to decry the billions of dollars of taxpayer money being funneled into the nation’s largest abortion chain, and the number one reason is the slaughter by Planned Parenthood of 1,112,486 innocent babies during the same three-year period. Clearly, it is far past time for Congress to remove Planned Parenthood’s “charitable organization” status and end the forcing of all American citizens to fund this mega-profitable abortion mogul that so greedily lines the pockets of its CEOs with blood money of innocent children along with millions of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars each and every year.


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