Eric Swalwell Rips a Massive Fart on Live TV

Eric Swalwell

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., speaks at a Politics & Eggs event, Monday, Feb. 25, 2019, in Manchester, N.H. Swalwell is considering a run for the Democratic presidential nomination. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)


Just when you thought 2019 couldn’t get any stupider, we now have #fartgate trending at the top of Twitter.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, who I’m reliably told was once a Presidential candidate, was doing a live hit on MSNBC. Speaking to Chris Matthews, the Congressman was once again pushing for the impeachment of Donald Trump, because what else would he be doing? It’s not like these people have lives.

Then something hilarious happened.

This has been verified to have happened on live TV. This is not a spoof or parody with the fart sound overlaid. It actually happened, on live TV, right in the middle of a interview hit. You can even see Swalwell giggle the moment the fart rings out. This dude was trying to let it out silently and then things went disastrously wrong.

He denied it and then figured it’d be good to tell an easily dis-proven lie in the process.


The dude literally laughs at the fart sound. Of course he heard it.

But wait, maybe it was actually Chris Matthews on the other end of the interview? He certainly looks like a guy who could let one rip every now and then. All I know is that we are going to need a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of this. We simply can’t have elected officials sharting themselves on live TV.


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