AOC Takes Direct Aim at Joe Biden, Starts Making Demands

Democratic National Convention via AP

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has apparently learned nothing from the unexpected losses for Democrats in the House. The 2020 election was supposed to add another 5-15 seats to the majority. Instead, Republicans shocked the prognosticators and are poised to move within 4-5 seats of retaking the chamber, setting themselves up nicely for 2022.


But AOC is taking no blame at all despite the fact that her brand of progressivism, from defunding to the police to climate change hysteria, was a large factor in many swing districts swinging back to Republicans. In fact, she’s now trying to dictate appointments to a possible Biden cabinet, which is sort of odd considering he hasn’t been officially elected president yet.

Biden flirted with AOC throughout the election, making her an advisor to his campaign, specifically on climate change issues. That led to an embrace of the Green New Deal before eventually backing away from it when it became clear it was a political loser. Regardless, Biden’s true feelings were made clear, as his own website promoted the plan even as he was denying supporting it in debates.

I’m not sure exactly what her beef with Rahm Emmanuel is here. I mean, I know why Republicans can’t stand the guy. He’s the epitome of the typical corrupt politico. But I suspect AOC’s disagreements have to be with Emmanuel being too “moderate,” which is laughable, but also gives you an idea of just how far left the socialist wing of the Democrat party is.


If Biden does end up taking the oath of office, the smart move would be to alienate and ignore figures like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley. But he’s not smart, nor has he shown any fortitude to stand up to his own party. Given that, I expect AOC to continue to be elevated in a desperate attempt to keep this toxic Democrat coalition together. It’ll never work, though. The woke left hate the Democrat establishment as much as the GOP does. It’s a time bomb that is guaranteed to go off eventually, to the extent that it already hasn’t gone off.

Of course, none of this matters if Republicans do their jobs. Any appointment of someone like Rahm Emmanuel should draw laughter and a failure to confirm from the Senate.

(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)



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