As the Probable Red Wave Approaches, Kari Lake Absolutely Wrecks a Snarky Reporter

AP Photo/Matt York

As of this writing, we are just hours away from the polls closing, and sure enough, it looks like the red wave is coming. Republican turnout is overwhelming, including in states like Nevada, where many election analysts recently moved the Senate race there back toward the Democratic Party.


In the midst of what looks to be an excellent night for the GOP, Kari Lake, likely to be elected governor of Arizona, is already dropping bombs. While holding a press gaggle, she absolutely wrecked a snarky reporter.

Honestly, I could just end the article right here, and it’d be fine. What else is there to add to a beatdown like that? The way she handles the press is so masterful that it makes Donald Trump, the original owner of libs, look out of practice.

All the signs are pointing to her coming out victorious in the next several hours, and if she does, she’s going to be an absolute nightmare for the Democratic Party. She’s just so freaking good at this, and it’s a joy to watch a Republican who knows the issues and always has the perfect response.


If you are in Arizona and haven’t voted yet, get out there and vote. Lake has to be elected. Too much wailing and gnashing of teeth would be missed if she doesn’t, and the entertainment factor alone is off the charts.

Anyway, I’ll let you get back to watching the returns, but that clip was just too good not to share. Tonight is going to be a good night. Soak it in because they don’t all turn out this way.


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