'Dementia Joe' Rides Again During Bumbling Milwaukee Speech on 'Bidenomics'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

If you're looking for a break from yet another "Donald Trump indicted" news cycle, you've come to the right place because Joe Biden provided a Golden Corral worth of fresh material on Tuesday when he appeared in Milwaukee, WI, to tout "Bidenomics." 


That new messaging strategy was rolled out earlier in the year, and it's something the White House really wants to get out there. Unfortunately, they are saddled with a messenger whose level of incoherence is only rivaled by his level of incompetence.

Things started off rough, to say the least. Usually, Biden can at least make it to the podium before the problems begin, but this time, he was nowhere to be found when Rep. Gwen Moore introduced him. 

He did eventually make an appearance, though he probably really shouldn't have given how things progresses. In one instance, he tried to brag about passing the Inflation Reduction Act. Instead, "Dementia Joe" saddled up and road again.

I was going to try to write that out, but it's impossible. I have no idea what actually came out of the president's mouth. It was completely unintelligible, and his stumbles continued when he tried to take a shot at Gov. Greg Abbott. 

This is a twofer because aside from the senilty on display, he's not telling the truth either.

BIDEN: Texas, the state of Texas, the very...enlighted governor, a very state of Texas has, a signific... highest number of wind and solar facilities, I think of any state in the nation, and it's cheaper than fossil fuel. (Whispers) He wants to shut them down. Isn't that enlighted?  


So much is wrong there. One, no wind and solar are not "cheaper" than fossil fuels. That claim is a dishonest sleight of hand that has been repeated many times by various Democrats. In reality, while it's cheaper to build a wind or solar facility than a nuclear plant, for example, they do not produce cheaper energy because they are far less efficient and have high long-term maintenance costs. Biden's claim is like saying that it's cheaper to finish a house in plywood compared to brick. Well, yes, but which one is going to actually last and cost less money long-term?

As to the notion that Gov. Greg Abbot wants to shut down his state's wind and solar facilities, I can't find any evidence of that. Perhaps Biden just made that up, but regardless, that wouldn't be a bad move considering so much of Texas' grid problems stem from unreliable energy sources, including the masses of wind farms in the northern part of the state. 

Of course, it wouldn't be a Biden speech without him telling a falsehood he's repeated more times than one can reasonably count. This time, it was his infamous Amtrak story, which has been debunked numerous times.

Did you also know that Biden has "cut the debt" by $1.7 trillion? 


That's another oft-repeated falsehood. In reality, the current fiscal year is on pace to have a $2.3 trillion deficit, the highest since the government blew out federal spending during the COVID-19 pandemic. By comparison, record deficits prior to that point in the nation's history were around $1 trillion, already far too high and unsustainable. 

Expectedly, things ended just as well as they began.

I have no idea why stages give the president such trouble, but other than the teleprompter, he faces no greater foe during his public speaking endeavors. But hey, he's fine. This is all fine. Nothing to worry about. 


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