Legacy Journalism Is Collapsing, So What's the Problem?

Townhall Media

It has not been a good month for journalists in legacy media. As RedState reported, The Los Angeles Times recently slashed its newsroom by around 25 percent. That came after employees had the brilliant idea of striking despite having no leverage and the paper bleeding money. One can live in a fantasy world, but they will still face real-world consequences


READ: The L.A. Times Appears to Be in a State of Imminent Collapse

That's just a small part of the overall collapse, though. In total, it is estimated that over 2,600 jobs were lost in the journalism industry in 2023 alone. 

In response to so many journalists getting canned, other journalists have sought to assure everyone that the nation is losing a valuable service. Further, they have shown they don't even begin to grasp why these jobs are going away.

Let me ask those doing the hand-wringing this, though. Why is any of this a problem? 

These are the same people who have told us for three years that Joe Biden is doing an excellent job. They blamed Americans for the Afghanistan disaster. They told us the economic recovery was incredible. They said inflation was no big deal. They told us Republicans were a threat to democracy and thus, we must keep electing the people currently in power. The status quo was not only necessary, it would be dangerous to not reinforce it.


So why is the nation's health only an issue when it affects them? Didn't they want this? Because the vast majority of them told us directly or indirectly that Biden being president was the greatest thing since Taco Bell introduced the Mexican pizza. This is what they wanted. It's what they sold the integrity and credibility of their industry to obtain. What's the issue? 

I understand not wanting to root for people to lose their jobs, but when an industry quite literally spends years telling everyone else to shut up and enjoy the crap sandwich, it's hard to feel sorry for them when they are forced to. They could try actually doing real reporting without bias. They could try reporting on Democrats, including the current president, honestly and fairly. Perhaps that might stem the bleeding. They aren't going to, though, which means I've got no sympathy for them. So I ask again, why is any of this a problem?


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