New Ghostbusters Director Says He's "Handing the Film Back to the Fans"

Ghostbusters 2016 was a monumental failure due in no small part to the fact that it got woke, and subsequently went broke. The focus relied more on the fact that the main characters were all now women than actually good storylines or likable characters.


Jason Reitman, son of the original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman, has now taken the reins of the series, and as RedState previously reported, he plans on pretending like the 2016 disaster never happened.

This sparked some feminist backlash, in no small part from Leslie Jones herself, who starred in the 2016 dumpster fire.

“So insulting. Like f*ck us. We [don’t] count. It’s like something Trump would do. (Trump voice) ‘Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers’ ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give f*ck I’m saying something!!” tweeted Jones.

But while feminists huff and puff and blow other franchises down, Jason Reitman is telling the longtime fans of the series that he’s handing it back to them.

“We are, in every way, trying to go back to the original technique and hand the movie back to the fans,’ Reitman said according to The Playlist.

The detail with which he’s bringing it back is very thorough as well, even the details used when it came to the teaser:

“This is going to be a love letter to ‘Ghostbusters,’ said Reitman. “I love this franchise. I grew up watching it. I consider myself the first ‘Ghostbusters’ fan. I was like seven years old when that movie came out and I love it. I want to make a movie for my fellow ‘Ghostbusters’ fans.”

He continued by discussing the amount of work that went into creating the short teaser that was released earlier this year. He said, “We went back to the work files for the sound of the proton pack. And we went back to the stems of Elmer Berstein’s score. Just for where it says, in the teaser, ‘Sumer 2020,’ we went back and found the original physical vinyl letters they used to create the ‘Ghostbusters’ poster in 1984. Rescanned them and then our titles guys reprinted them. We filmed the titles. Not like in a computer. We shot physical titles with a light and smoke effect because that’s how they would have done it back in the day.”


It’s still unclear what the movie will be about, or who will star in it. The one thing that’s for certain is that it’s given fans hope that the series will return to some semblance of viewability, and be one of the first franchises to recover after a foray into social justice territory.

If it succeeds, it may be a good lesson for other owners of beloved franchises to pay attention to.

Looking at you, Disney.


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