Vox Hates "Rise of Skywalker" for All the Wrong Reasons, Giving Star Wars Fans Hope

(Lucasfilm via AP)

If there’s one thing that we’ve been taught by the media, it’s that if there are certain groups out there that absolutely hate a movie or television show, then it’s likely that it’s good, or at the very least, not as bad as some people may have speculated.


The latest Star Wars film, “The Rise of Skywalker,” is set to release tomorrow and to say that a lot is riding on it could be seen as something of an understatement. While there are those who loved it, Rian Johnsons “The Last Jedi” ruined the franchise for so many fans, and this includes the actors.

So far, John Boyega (Finn), J.J. Abrams (Director/Producer), and even Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker himself) have made it clear that they take serious issue with the direction Johnson took the Star Wars universe. Going on to YouTube, you can see fans deconstruct it to point out exactly why it was horrible, and countless articles have been written about why it’s horrid.

Some of them by me.

(READ: “The Last Jedi” Was a Garbage Movie)

But with RoS around the corner, the reviews have begun rolling in and many of them are bad. They speak of an unimaginative Star Wars movie that doesn’t stick the landing. Boredom seems to be a theme amongst the reviews, but I’m not entirely sure this is a bad thing.

These reviews are strangely making me more excited to see the film on Sunday, which I have already purchased tickets to. Take, for instance, this review from Vox’s Allisa Wilkinson titled “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is what happens when a franchise gives up.”

Vox, known for being a site that caters to the SJW point of view, often has takes that aren’t exactly based in reality but do a good job of stirring up the mob. For this review, Wilkinson makes it a point to make sure everyone knows that RoS has departed from its woke set up in TLJ by proclaiming this new film is “precisely calculated to not to poke the hornet’s nest of detractors who popped up to voice their displeasure with The Last Jedi, with some complaining about how hallowed characters developed while others voiced more overtly racist and sexist concerns. I can’t read minds, but I think this movie is likely to please those fans.”


Wilkinson’s complaints center around a few things. For one, it seems to be going in the opposite direction of The Last Jedi, which she claims opened up new possibilities. Wilkinson demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge about the Star Wars universe, such as how the force works.

Side note: Many of the people who proclaim to be big fans of Johnson’s woke entry into the franchise seem to demonstrate a lack of familiarity with the Star Wars universe, making me believe that they’re not there as a fan but as a political minder.

She also complains that the film has Rose Tico’s character pushed to the background. Rose’s character, played by Asian actress Kelly Marie Tran, was one of the least liked in The Last Jedi due to her more or less useless role in the film. For many fans, she felt like a shoehorned in character meant to up the woke factor and add diversity to the film.

Wilkinson dedicates an entire paragraph to Rose’s sidelining.

All things considered, Wilkinson seemed angry that the fans were getting their way and that whatever politics was being injected into the film have been more or less purged.

I want to make it very clear that this doesn’t make me 100 percent positive that RoS will be any good. I still have major doubts. J.J. Abrams has a lot on his plate with the film. He has to clean up Johnson’s mess, resume and complete character arcs that were supposed to have already been developed far more than they already were, and stick the landing.


The chances of him doing that are slim, but if Vox’s hatred of the film is any indication, it will at least be somewhat passable as a Star Wars entry.

We’ll know soon enough, and you can expect my review on Monday.


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