Retirement Home Worker Claims to Help Kill Trump Supporters, Investigation Kicks Off

What may be one of the most disgusting stories seen about violence against Trump supporters yet, a Reddit user claimed to be killing Trump supporters through neglect at retirement homes.


According to the National File, a Reddit user going by the name “LoveThisLife0101” bragged about allowing old Trump supporters to die through various means, be it not resuscitating them or allowing them to fall.

The post by the user was apparently the result of the “It’s Okay to Be White” campaign that had fliers being posted around America simply stating those words.

The founder of the “It’s Okay to Be White” campaign told National File that the message came to him via Reddit’s direct message as a result of the campaign’s post:

This post triggered a leftist so badly (u/LoveThisLife0101 on Reddit) that he private messaged me a disturbing, bragging rant about how he had murdered 11 elderly Trump voters via deliberate medical malpractice – and planned to murder more. Even if he’s lying (which I don’t know for sure) this is an extremely disturbed and dangerous individual. His account was a year old and had significant (and violently anti-Trump) activity, meaning it was not created minutes ago as a throw away troll account.

The message by “LoveThisLife0101” read as such:

Hey, I work in a retirement home and care for lots of trump supporters in their last days. I can tell you with certainty that 11 people (all verified trump supporters) could have been resuscitated/prevented from falling had I taken the appropriate measures.

I am literally letting you f***ers die off. These people vote like 100% of the time so it counts. Here’s the really sick part. Everytime I come on The Donald (r/thedonald) and see something that f***ing disgusts me (e.g. “It’s OKay to be White” postings) I note it and then take it out on a trump supporter in the home I work at (for example I have loaded food with diuretics, withheld medicine and simple [sic] provided the wrong the incorrect medicine).


Look, I know I am a sick pup… but so are each of you. I just wanted to let you know what I do cause I saw your post from today and I chose to watch a person die in response.

I hate you and hope to care for your family soon.

Users at 4Chan who saw the post soon jumped into action and began investigating. They believe they found the user and the company they worked for, “AMN Healthcare.” Some took to Twitter to alert AMN to what was going on. AMN responded, stating that while the individual does not work in the clinical setting, they are taking this very seriously and have begun an investigation.

It’s highly possible that this is just an anti-Trump troll trying to shock Trump supporters, but if there is any truth to this then this should be investigated thoroughly. According to National File, this isn’t the first time this has happened:

An Indiana nurse was fired in 2017 for making genocidal anti-white remarks on social media after Twitter users uncovered her identity and reported her.


While this may be anti-Trump supporters just blowing off steam in demented ways, the fact that people with this mindset could be put in charge of some of the most vulnerable among us is a scary thought.


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