
Woke So Fragile

(Mark Bryant/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP, File)

I could never be a part of woke culture for a myriad of reasons. Sure, I want to avoid the unscientific belief in things I can sus out for myself right in front of my eyes and I definitely don’t want to take part in overt racism, sexism, and bigotry that seems to come stock with adherence to it, but it’s not just that.

There’s something about woke culture that makes you really, really strange.

We can’t say that people are just born that way. Normal people walk into universities and walk out something akin to a radical cultist. It’s definitely developed over a short amount of time. Like an addiction to a hard drug, it doesn’t take long for it to destroy your life and addle your brain.

Take a few of these examples, for instance.

Ben Shapiro recently gave a lecture at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro about transgenderism when he was confronted by an angry student during the Q&A portion. After informing everyone that he’s a super-smart mathematician/physicist, he proceeded to — not debate Shapiro — but proceed to insult him about his sex life.

The kid clearly didn’t like being told that he was wrong, which he was, and instead of arguing and debating his points, he devolved into shrieking and insults.

According to Bloomberg, the hard-left employees of Twitter needed a “day of rest” on Monday to cope with the fact that Elon Musk was now, technically, their boss:

The whiplash is overwhelming, employees said. The vibe among workers at Twitter is “super stressed,” with employees “working together to help each other get through the week,” some said, asking not to be named discussing internal company details.

In recent days, Musk has tweeted product ideas from eliminating advertising for members of Twitter’s subscription service to turning part of its San Francisco headquarters into a homeless shelter. Without a board seat, there are no longer restrictions on how many shares he can buy, or on his tweeting; one employee expressed concern that Musk was “just getting started, which is unfortunate.” Multiple workers described the situation as a “sh-t show.”

I’ve written about some of the bizarre and violent behaviors exhibited by the social justice left in the past. This includes city council members who subscribe to the ideological nonsense that, should your house be broken into, it’s classist and racist to call the police.

Then there’s Antifa…and I’m not sure I need to say much more than that.

(READ: Bizarre Behavior, Violence, and Delusions: Social Justice Advocacy Looks a Lot Like a Mental Disorder)

I can’t sign on to the woke brigades because doing so would put me in a position where I would clearly have some sort of mental break. I wouldn’t be able to cope with whatever mind-bending, life-destroying nonsense I would have to embrace in order to be a part of that crowd. It would, without a doubt, drive me insane.

Moreover, it would make me so fragile as a person with an ego that would shatter if someone breathed on it. I would be living in a constant state of fear and panic. My primary response would be rage.

That’s no life.

Keep in mind that these people truly believe that the world is on the brink of a total takeover by evil forces and that they truly think they’re saving the world. Even as they beat innocent people with weapons, lie and cheat, censor and silence, and engage in prejudice, racism, and sexism, they truly think that their actions are justified. But that also comes with truly believing that they are victims, oppressors, or some form of negative personal trait that they can’t get over. They truly believe they have to live their life accordingly and it clearly drives them crazy.

Social justice. Not even once.


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