
They're Not Even Trying to Hide It: They Hate America and They Hate You

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Normally I like to assume the best in everyone. Not every person accused of it is attempting to do great evil and many people who go about things in different ways are, in truth, trying to get to the same destination. This can definitely be said when talking politics. Most Democrats are about as extreme as Republicans are.

But there is a section of the left really does hate America and they’re not shy about it. They want to collapse the system and replace it with something the vast majority of them have never experienced. They’re willing to lie, cheat, and steal in order to bring about the collapse of the country. They openly express their disdain toward those who take pride in it and want to see it become a healthier place.

Most of these people can easily be seen on news networks proclaiming their intent to burn the system down if they don’t get what they want. They refer to white Republican men as terrorists and applaud groups like Antifa. They declare that stores being looted is “reparations.” They physically attack those they merely perceive as opposition.

But not all of them are so loud. Some of them wear nice clothing and are referred to as “lawmakers.” You can tell who they are because, not only are they disparaging everything about America, but they also back socialism.

Socialism is antithetical to America. The home of the free ceases to be if the system it lives under controls everything that makes it free. The enterprising people of America who invent, improve, and facilitate great leaps and bounds in science and technology fade to the back when everything is under the regulatory eye of the government.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one such politician, as is the rest of her “squad.” They’re also adding to their ranks. By now, you’ve likely seen the primary victory speech from New York Senate Democrat contender Kristen Gonzalez.

“I know we’re saving the speeches for a little later, but today we really proved that socialism wins!” she declared.

“We are not going anywhere, and we will not stop until we see a socialist slate across this city!” she added.

In any normal circumstance, people can be reasonable and find a middle ground. A Republican and Democrat voter can sit down and have a meaningful and polite conversation about politics. Republicans and Democrats even get married to one another.

But socialists like the kind you’ve seen lately aren’t like these people. They don’t have any interest in talking with people, they want to talk at. They don’t like debating, they would rather silence and censor the opposition. They don’t see you as a person and have no trouble pardoning horrible things being done unto you by their own allies.

This should be understood if we’re to truly push back against them. They’re on a mission that borders on the religious. Politics isn’t just an interesting topic of conversation or a view that informs your vote. They live and breathe politics because it’s the avenue with which to usher in their socialist utopia. They can’t stop themselves from seeing it in everything they do, every sight they see, and every bite they eat. Everything from hair to math has political weight and they will find a way to utilize mundane objects to advantage their narrative if they need to.

I hate to view anyone as a lost cause but you’re very rarely ever going to come across a socialist who actually has anything but contempt for America and the people who support it. They view you as factless idiots on the wrong side of history. They will destroy everything you love under the guise that it’s for the betterment of the human race, but because feeding their spite with action feels good.

You are no longer just fighting over policy, you’re fighting over your existence as a free human being.

This means that when we go elect people to fight them in Washington, the people we send to fight aren’t going to make deals and try to find a middle ground with them. We need to send those willing to wage political war. They need to be willing to tear down the agencies and institutions that these people love to nest in.

You are in a war. Vote like it.



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