
The Activist Wolf in the Journalist Sheep's Clothing

There’s one thing that I repeat over and over again, and I’ll continue to repeat it until I’m dead.

The mainstream news media is not your friend. It’s not a service. It’s not a cadre of truth-seekers. It’s not a collection of brave souls willing to hold the powerful accountable.

These are businesses with a vested interest in attracting your eyeballs, staffed by socio-political activists who want to convince you that their ideas are the right ones. They will lie, fib, and misreport on purpose, in order to make you believe whatever they need you to believe at that moment. They will villainize innocents, if it makes you angry enough to punish them socially, politically, or financially. They will pull claims out of thin air, if it means you’ll get angry enough to take direct action, including violence and destruction.

To them, you are a mere tool. A means to an end.

Our society has had a myriad of examples proving this very thing. A whistleblower at CBS revealed that the major network was using diversity officers to instruct local news stations to stop being objective.

(READ: CBS Whistleblower Reveals Local Stations Being Instructed to Not Be Objective by Diversity Officers)

One Harvard professor named Roland Fryer began a study to find whether or not police actually did increase violence in black neighborhoods only to find out that it was a lack of police that increased crime. After more digging, he found that the real culprit for the increase in out-of-control violence in neighborhoods was increased media coverage.

When Fryer went to the media to show them this data, the media “refused to grapple with the data,” and he was told by the media outlets that he needed to keep the data to himself.

(READ: Harvard Professor’s Research Shows Media Its Responsibility for Black Deaths and the Media Told Him to Be Silent)

There is a myriad of other stories, but the most recent egregious breach in media ethics happened on Tuesday, when the Sacramento Bee claimed that TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk called for the lynching of transgender people. He never did any such thing, but the Bee reported that he’d done it anyway.

This resulted in student activists, including Antifa, storming the building where Kirk was speaking. They smashed windows and damaged property, and arrests were made. It wasn’t till after the damage had been done, and the decisions had been made, that the Bee retracted their story. Still, even the retraction seemed like the Bee wasn’t actually wanting to retract it. As Fox News would note, there seems to be a developing pattern of making claims to incite anger and then retracting them after it was all said and done.

(READ: Sacramento Bee Forced to Apologize for False Claims Against Charlie Kirk That Sparked Antifa Riots)

The mainstream media does not have any interest in the truth. What it does have is an interest in its own beliefs, and empowering anyone or anything that can help its beliefs dominate others. It doesn’t care what depths it has to sink to or what collateral damage occurs as a result of its false reporting. So long as its ideas reign supreme, the world can burn.

These aren’t journalists. These are activists. They are ideologically driven radicals bent on using popular platforms to fool the world into believing that their worldview is reality. They want to put a lens over your eyes that they’ve crafted that shows you a false reality, so that you’ll vote, act, and think just how they want you to.

The mainstream media is not to be trusted. It’s not your friend. It is your enemy.


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