HBO Announced JK Rowling Is Making a Harry Potter Reboot and the Meltdown Is Glorious

(AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis, File)

At this point, J.K. Rowling’s name could be slapped on a literal pile of cow manure and the radical left and transgender activists would fly into an unbridled rage that such a thing could exist. Sadly for them, nearly everything Rowling creates becomes highly successful and makes her piles of cash that would make Scrooge McDuck jealous.


The Harry Potter author and Wizarding World creator has only found greater success in the face of untold outrage by the transgender community and their allies. Loyal readers will recall a recently released video game called “Hogwarts Legacy” that was protested by the activists and their clapping seals with gusto, up to the point where streamers who played it on their channels were threatened and bullied. It didn’t stop the game from becoming a smashing success and some of that is thanks to the spite the activists generated among the general populace.

(READ: Trans Activists Try Finding New Ways of Bombing ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ but Only Generate More Hype)

The game was so successful that they immediately announced a sequel, but it doesn’t stop there.

According to Deadline, the seven Harry Potter books Rowling wrote are now close to getting a reboot as an HBO Max series, and Rowling will be a producer on the show:

Warner Bros is in talks with Rowling to join the project as a producer, Deadline has confirmed. Once she comes on board, the project, which is in nascent stages, is expected to look for a writer. As first reported by Bloomberg, the general idea is for each season of the potential TV series is to focus on one book in the Harry Potter book series, which consists of seven novels.


For most millennials, there should be some very cautious optimism. While Rowling might be a warrior for women against the transgender activist community, she’s still a raging feminist and an avowed leftist and in this modern age, some politics will likely find its way into the story somehow.

But for the radical leftists and the activist community, you might as well have told them that Donald Trump is getting two extra terms and he’s now dating their mothers.

The absolute meltdown has been a pleasure to watch and some of the best were captured by MasteroftheTDS.

According to Twitter user Sara:

can we please stop giving JK rowling more attention and give this idea to a book series/author that ISN’T openly transphobic

Taylor tweeted:

every time i have to see transphobic jk rowling leather wallet face ugly doodoo smelling cow on my timeline i lose ten years. and f**k hogwarts legacy too


A user named “TalkingingSMAC Superheroes proclaimed:

What’s that? Something from [J.K. Rowling] is trending? Is it that she’s a TERF and a horrible person? That should be the only thing discussed with her.

But my personal favorite comes from a user with a question mark in a box as his name, and he declared:

harry potter was the 9/11 of literature and we need to put a stop to jk rowling and her devious activities that caused this.

The fact of the matter is that there is still a huge market for Harry Potter and Wizarding World products and Hogwarts Legacy proved that people are willing to line up and buy whatever Rowling is selling. What helps is the tantrums from activists that see them lashing out at regular, innocent people in an attempt to bully them into not taking part in this market.

The likelihood of this series getting made is, at this moment, incredibly high. If HBO Max manages to make the series good and not allow too much politics to be injected into it, then a few things will happen.

For one, Rowling will only get wealthier and it’ll give her one more jewel in her crown as a literary legend.

Secondly, it’ll only fuel the desire of Warner Bros to create more Harry Potter and Wizarding World shows, movies, and products, giving Rowling even more power.


Thirdly, it’ll knock the movies off the pedestal they currently sit on. While they should never fully be forgotten as there were some great actors and performances within them, people like Daniel Radcliff and Emma Watson, who denounced Rowling and mocked her, will find themselves not as important as they were before. They’ll now share the characters with other actors that a new generation will fall in love with.

They’ll fade into the background while Rowling will shine all the brighter.


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