
Bud Light Isn't Doing so Hot, but They Have One Last Weapon up Their Sleeve

(AP Photo/Gene Puskar, File)

Back in 2012, Arby’s said it was pulling its ads from Rush Limbaugh’s show over his making fun of activist Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh noted that the chain (headed up by a Democrat donor) had never been a sponsor of the show, but the announcement was made and conservatives responded with negative feedback on Twitter.

Arby’s responded by blocking conservatives on the platform, only inflaming the problem. As it should be, conservatives decided to boycott Arby’s. This included me, which is really sad because their jamocha shakes are incredible, but it had to be done. If Arby’s didn’t want to hear it from people who shared my ideological perspective on things, then they would no longer get my money.

I’ve held on pretty tight to that boycott because I didn’t forget their actions that day.

But the boycott ultimately didn’t matter as Arby’s customer base grew over time. It could do this as most corporations can; by waiting out the storm. Eventually, new customers come into the age range of being Arby’s customers or, as it happens, people forget or stop caring.

Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO went all in on bragging about banning AR-15s from its stores after the Parkland shooting, getting behind the Democrat narrative that no one should be able to own them and they should all be destroyed. The resulting boycott from conservatives cost the company a quarter of a billion.

The company would see its revenue spike right back up shortly after and even grow.

The point here is that boycotts definitely get the point across in the moment but corporations don’t have to worry for too long. New customers are always right around the corner and moreover, those who boycott will likely eventually give up or forget.

Bud Light is currently in a pretty miserable state. Reports all over the internet are showing store shelves completely empty of brands like Miller Light and Coors while Bud Light is going untouched. On social media, Bud Light has more or less gone silent. It should surprise no one to hear reports months from now about how Bud Light’s bottom line suffered significantly.

(READ: Top 5 Beers You Should Try After You Throw That Bud Light Out)

This is all well and good, but Americans shouldn’t think that Anheuser-Busch is regretting their actions and rethinking their decisions. To be sure, they’re feeling the sting, but the monetary loss they’re taking is being counterbalanced by ESG-enforcing lending companies like Black Rock and Vanguard that made it a requirement to inject leftist ideological radicalism into their companies in the first place.

The strategy now isn’t to course correct and ditch the socio-political posturing. All Bud Light has to do is wait out the storm. After a few months, many people will stop caring about the blunder or forget about it completely, and after a couple of years, Bud Light will have back the customers it lost and then some.

Their secret weapon, just like every corporation’s weapon, is your endurance in upholding a boycott. While you might personally never let an Anhueser-Busch drink touch your lips again, that might not apply to your neighbors.

Boycotts can be difficult to uphold, especially if that corporation has tentacles everywhere. The boycott of Coca-Cola, for instance, was ultimately irrelevant because the people who stopped drinking Coke were still drinking the company’s products under a different name. For some, the draw to the drink was so powerful that they gave up on their boycott.

The solution is not just to hold tight to your boycott. Yes, it’ll hurt them in the home market but if you really want to hit them where it hurts there are two things you need to do.

The first is to find and promote a beverage that isn’t going to cave to ESG standards. Microbrews are perfect for this. There’s probably a local brewery near you that makes incredible beer that needs your support. Go find them. If not, there are plenty of beers that deserve your attention on your store shelf.

The second is to make it difficult for radical leftist investment firms to operate in your state. Many states have already begun disinvesting from BlackRock as it gives the company too much power over the affairs of the state invested in it. If your state isn’t doing this yet, make it clear to the politicians that they need to get on it, and if they don’t, vote them out.

This also means not investing in companies that are following ESG compliance standards.

But overall, remember not to forget.


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