
Leftist Women Should Be Careful What They Wish for In Their Men, Because They're Getting It

Over the past handful of years, I’ve heard the term “toxic masculinity” enough to last a lifetime. The term is about as ridiculous as it is annoying. It suggests that the very essence of men is problematic and in need of curbing.

For years, feminists have sought ways of subduing the masculine traits of modern Western men and I’m sad to report that they’ve done a very good job. Looking back at how men used to be vs. how they are now, you can see a night and day difference, at least in mainstream culture. Many men are simply afraid to be men for fear of being punished for it.

And yet, as these women get the masculine-free men they asked for, they begin to wish they could find men that were, namely leftist women.

One of these leftist women recently went viral as she posted to TikTok that she can’t seem to find a masculine man with feminist beliefs.

“As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” said the woman.

To her credit, she wonders at the end whether she asking to have her cake and eat it to.

The answer to that is “yes.”

This is the kind of man that feminists asked for. This is what they worked so hard to create beginning from the indoctrination period of childhood.

As children, boys are looked down upon by the school system. As psychologist Michael Thompson wrote in his book “Raising Cain,” girls are treated as the “gold standard” in terms of behavior while the rambunctious, kinetic, and noisy boys are “treated like defective girls.”

Boys are punished with detention or time-out for merely behaving as nature instructs them to. If that doesn’t curb the behavior, then they’re medicated to behave more like girls. Boys that use their male imaginations to pretend they’re brave warriors of some kind are known to be suspended from school.

As they grow up, the media teaches them that they’re less than they are while girls get all the affirmations in the world to the point of pure fantasy. Boys are taught they’re second-hand players in the game of life and that they need to take a step back and allow girls to have the floor. They’re taught not to be the leaders they naturally are. They’re taught timidity and passivity.

Moreover, they’re taught their burgeoning desire to be with women is dangerous and wrong. They’re taught that women don’t want them talking to them and that approaching one is “creepy.” They’re taught women don’t need them and that any kind of romantic or sexual interaction with them could be considered sexual assault at the drop of a hat.

(READ: Women Want to Know Why Men Don’t Want to Marry Anymore…Allow Me)

They’re made to feel guilty for being men. When they emerge into adulthood, what’s left is an unsure, emasculated, timid, and simpering thing that has all the “respect” for women that these leftists wanted them to have. They have few masculine tendencies, are apologetic for the ones they do have, and tend to resort to feminine conclusions about any given problem.

They were raised to believe they were defective girls and as adults, they grew into that role and are now defective women.

But in their heart of hearts, women don’t want to be with other women, at least in a long-term romantic capacity. They want safety, security, strength, confidence, and a type of tenderness and love that can only come from someone who can turn from soft as satin to cold and hard as iron at a moment’s notice.

Leftist women want independence, to open their own doors, pay for their own meals, and work for their own living, but eventually find this kind of life to be lonely and hollow. At some point, they turn to the men they created to fulfill these needs only to find they endorse, embrace, and encourage the very lifestyle that’s making them lonely. Moreover, they can’t trust that this man will know what to do if and when the need arises to act like a man. Their primal need for safety and security goes unfulfilled.

It all reminds me of the song by Bo Burnham, where Burnham plays both a man and a woman in a relationship. A spider appears but both the man and the woman jump up onto an elevated surface. The woman tells the man to kill the spider but the man refuses, at which point the woman demands he “be a man.” It’s at that point that the man calls out the woman’s feminist beliefs.

“Everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around.”

The concept here is effectively the problem that feminists created. Feminism collapses the moment it’s met with inconvenience. The truth is that the world is full of inconvenience and very often the solution is to let masculinity do what it does best and solve the problem.

Sometimes the problem is a spider, sometimes it’s an army advancing from a different country. Sometimes it’s a flat tire, and sometimes it’s a dirty job that requires heavy and dangerous equipment. Sometimes it’s a door that needs opening, and sometimes it’s a bill that needs footing.

Masculinity wants to handle it all, and without masculinity around to do these things, gaps begin to form through which problems and degradation issue forth. This happens for society and for women.

But this is what the feminists asked for. If leftist women are becoming unhappy about the lack of masculinity, then perhaps they should begin to realize that feminism was lying to them all along.


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