
And With This Latest Confession, We See that 'Pride Month' Was Never About Love

AP Photo/Richard Vogel, File

Love wins!

It’s one of the biggest lies told by the LGBT activist community. It’s something they like to say when they obtain some victory or march down the street waving rainbow-colored flags while prancing around in underwear…or less.

The thing is, it was never about love. If it was, then the protests and overt grandiosity of the LGBT activist movement would have died after marriage was legalized and troops could serve in the military. They were never going to stop, though. Activism is an industry, not a fight for freedom or equality. The worst thing in the world would be for a radical leftist movement to get what it wanted because then there’d be no power, money, or social control anymore.

Do you think race baiters want there to be no racism? What would Al Sharpton and his organizations and employees do? How would Democrats ever get votes?

The exact same can be said for the LGBT activist movement. If they told the truth and revealed that gay people have all the rights everyone else does and that people were willing to mind their own business about it, then they’d lose power overnight and become irrelevant. Instead, they create new issues. The transgender movement is under attack! People just want to be themselves! Why can’t these bigots just leave people alone?

We’d love to leave these people to their own devices but they continue to make themselves everyone else’s problem, especially when they continuously come from people’s children. These aren’t victims of oppression just looking for the freedom to be themselves, these are hubristic, mentally ill people who want to force themselves on everyone else in the name of power, self-importance, and sexual perversion.

But it goes even deeper than that.

As my colleague Brad Slager reported, a chant during an NYC Pride parade featured people shouting “We’re coming for your children.” Well, we knew that much. RedState spends a lot of time covering how the LGBT activist movement is focusing squarely on your kids and wants to indoctrinate them into their perverted lifestyle as early as possible.

(READ: They Truly Believe Your Children Are Their Children)

But what struck me about this was the explanation from of its organizers about the chants that tend to pop up at these parades:

To conservative pundits, activists and lawmakers, the video confirmed the allegations they’ve levied in recent years that the LGBTQ community is “grooming” children. But to Brian Griffin, the original organizer of the NYC Drag March, if that’s the worst they heard, it’s only because he wasn’t there this year. Griffin said he chanted obscene things in the past, like “Kill, kill, kill, we’re coming to kill the mayor,” and joked about pubic hair and sex toys during marches. People at the Drag March regularly sing “God is a lesbian.”

“It’s all just words,” Griffin said. “It’s all presented to fulfill their worst stereotypes of us.” The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people.

The motivation here is clearly not love, it’s spite.

As I’ve said over and over again, very little is more motivating than spite and few groups are more spiteful than the LGBT activist community. They’re willing to destroy everything from innocent lives over perceived wrongs to themselves in the name of emotional slavery. This is about hatred of you and your traditional values, belief in God, rejection of their socio-political agendas, or all three. They want to make you scared and angry by threatening your children and making blasphemous statements about God.

This was never about anything wholesome, but a way of getting back at you for perceived wrongs. They’ve been taught to hate you for years and this is how they’re going to get back at you.

That’s what these Pride marches are. They’re grotesque displays of spite and hatred disguised as a celebration of a certain “oppressed” group. They’re meant to make you disgusted, afraid, and furious because that’s what they believe you’ve been doing to them. They want to indoctrinate your children because it not only allows them to normalize their perversions but also has the added benefit of striking you where the cut would bleed and hurt the most.

These activists are hurt, confused, ignorant, bigoted, and angry people engaging in some of the worst evils imaginable and it all comes back around to you and God.


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