
I Won't Celebrate the Murder of a Radical Leftist, but I Will Be Brutally Honest About It

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

There's cold and heartless, and then there's telling the brutal truth. While honesty without tact is cruelty, honesty is sometimes the only way to understand any given situation, no matter how brutal. 

Perhaps you've seen the recent footage concerning radical left activist Ryan Carson, a self-described member of Antifa and the senior solid waste campaign director at the nonprofit New York Public Interest Research Group. Carson was one of the people who backed the idea of "safe injection facilities" for drug addicts. 

The footage shows Carson and his girlfriend, Claudia V. Morales, a cop-hating BLM activist, being accosted by a black male, whom we can assume is high on something. Carson attempted to first reason with the man, but when that didn't work, Carson tried pushing the man away. The footage cuts, but when it picks back up, Carson has been stabbed multiple times. 

He later succumbed to his injuries and died. 

Stories of leftists getting a taste of the very crimes they opened the door to continue to pop up lately, but Carson definitely suffered the worst fate of them all. 

Was Carson a bad guy? It sure seems like some of the stuff he supported was bad. Indeed, Carson advocated for state-approved drug addiction and support for a domestic terrorist group. To say that he and his girlfriend didn't open up the door for this to happen to him would be wrong. 

There's a measure of gloating happening over his murder. People are lining up with "I toldja so" posts on social media left and right, and many of them are clearly mean-spirited and malicious. I'm not going to lie to you. There's a big part of me that agrees with them. 

The things Carson supported are evil. There's no way around that, but I'm not going to gloat over his corpse...

...but I am going to use it as an example. 

Carson is a victim of his own ideals, and he definitely wasn't the first. How many good, innocent people suffered at the hands of violent drug addicts thanks to the policies he and his girlfriend supported? How many mothers and fathers have lost their children, or children have lost parents, because of the things Carson advocated and worked for? 

The trouble with leftist ideals is that the leftists who advocate for them typically don't have to suffer the consequences. It's not till it comes home to them that they truly understand. As I wrote on Monday, Democrats talk a huge, virtuous game until those virtues are put to the test. Whether it's being a "sanctuary city" or having to live up to socialist ideals, most of the left's virtues are wholly untested. 

But at some point, they will be. You'll be forced to back up your speech and put your money where your mouth is. As the left grows more radical, the bill that comes due is often too high. People are dead, and only more will die. 

I'm not going to mock Carson, but I sure as hell am going to lay down a brutal truth about his death. 

Carson's death is partly Carson's fault. He and his friends opened the door for this to happen, and no one should be surprised at the monster that walked through. Thanks to people like Carson, this happens all the time and to people who never wanted anything like Carson's policies in the first place. 

Carson was just the latest victim of the policies he advocated for. If you don't want that to happen to you or the people you love, maybe back away from the stupidity of crime enablement. 


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