
Many Should Be Seeing the Long-Standing Racism of the Left Now

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The left is a hive of racism. There isn't any way an argument can be made to contradict this fact. There have certainly been enough excuses to paint over its racism, but when all is said and done, the American left is one of the most racially prejudiced ideologies in the Western world. 

If you're a loyal reader of mine, you've likely seen quite a few articles about this. Some recent articles include the hate sent against Erika Donalds, the wife of black Florida Congressman Byron Donalds. Once the left found out Erika was white, racism openly flowed against both of them. 

(READ: Byron Donalds' Wife Presents Receipts of the Left's Overt Racism Toward Her Husband)

Racism towards minorities is evident when individuals tend to stop outside the bounds the left set for them, and this especially goes for the black population. Stand against the Democrat Party and you'll hear choruses of "Uncle Tom," or "Oreo," and those are just the ones that don't involve the "n-word." 

The left is also incredibly hateful of white people, who are often used as the boogie man in America to explain away the hardships of minorities. If someone of color goes through an ordeal, you'll bet you'll hear more than a few talking heads say it has something to do with America's inherent white supremacy. 

(READ: Racism Is the Modus Operandi of the Left and They Leave Little Doubt)

But of all the left's hypocrisies when it comes to racism, none shine brighter than their hatred of Jewish people, and that hatred was on clear display after the Hamas terrorist group slaughtered, kidnapped, and raped Israeli civilians in large numbers in a surprise attack. 

While most Democrat politicians were wise enough to condemn the attack on Hamas and confirm their support for Israel, some didn't, and they weren't alone. Marches in the streets and schools could be heard and seen all in support of "Palestine" but, in truth, was support for what happened to the Jewish people at the hands of terrorists. 

As Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire noted, you'll hear a lot of people declare they're "anti-Zionist," but that's really just a cover for their antisemitism: 

Shapiro, host of The Daily Wire’s “The Ben Shapiro Show,” delivered a speech at the University of Florida on Wednesday evening and said that anti-Zionism, the belief that the nation of Israel should not exist, is synonymous with Jew-hatred.

“Anti-Zionism is an incredibly shallow cover story for Jew-hatred – and because it is a cover story, it’s easier to proclaim your support publicly,” Shapiro said. “But as Karen Attiah of The Washington Post admitted, what Hamas did to Jewish babies is, in fact, part and parcel of the ‘decolonization’ process. You can’t destroy a Jewish state without killing a s***load of Jews.”

Anti-Zionism typically appears in different forms, according to Shapiro: first, Israel was a historical mistake; second, Israel is inherently immoral; third, Israel simply should not exist.

The bottom line that needs to be seen here is that what Hamas did to Israel was absolutely disgusting and inexcusable, and the people trying to find excuses for why it's okay have revealed themselves as being incredibly racist. No amount of social justice rhetoric can smooth over what Hamas did. 

Some Democrats need to take this moment and understand who is standing to their left and that these are the people who are currently influencing the party for the worse. 

As it stands, the left is rife with racism. Not "racism" like the left likes to pretend the right is soaked in based on out-of-context words and shallow examples, but very real race hatred. 

Social justice is just a mask for racism.


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