
What Goes Around Will Come Around for Democrats, Trump's Popularity Might Depend on It

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Watching the media and various politicians on the left, you can see what is a very real terror beginning to bubble up. Not that the desperation wasn't always there, but any hope they had that they were going to be okay is clearly beginning to ebb away. 

The likelihood that they're going to lose the 2024 Presidential election is increasing...and the likelihood that they're going to lose it to Donald Trump is swiftly becoming a very possible reality. As it stands, Trump is likely going to win the Republican nomination provided something drastic doesn't happen to change the course of things, and this is a terrifying prospect for the left. 

As I wrote back in August of 2022 about the oncoming Trump-shaped storm: 

Trump will have a vendetta, and it’s highly likely that he’ll use his power to enact revenge on members of the Democrat Party. This doesn’t just mean he’s going to fire people. It’s likely that he’s going to launch investigations with the aim of exposing their darkest secrets. The kind of secrets that could cost them millions of dollars and land some of them in prison. With the help of a Republican congress and Senate — now more friendly to him than ever — Trump will likely conduct a crusade born by a personal need to punish those who wronged him.

And the fear is starting to show, namely from media and political figures on the left who are, somewhat hilariously, accusing Trump of preparing to do what the Democrat Party is doing now. As Streiff wrote in his piece on Tuesday, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" went on a rant about Trump utilizing the justice system to bring retribution to those who wronged him or anyone he considers an enemy. 

And they aren't the only ones, as Streiff reported. The Atlantic and the New York Times are also sounding the alarm that Trump is about to do to them what they've been doing to him as if we had some reason to care. 

It's a hilarious piece of hypocrisy, but I'm not entirely sure the left ever thought they'd have to answer for it. 

As I wrote in my previous VIP piece on Tuesday, the Democrat Party had been something of an apex predator in our society, hunting and killing indiscriminately. They've been preying on Trump for some time with raids, lawsuits, and a years-long media campaign focused purely on villainizing Trump till he became the ultimate pariah of modern society. 

(READ: The Only Way The Left Will Learn Is to Make It Hurt)

But it didn't work. He's only gotten more powerful, and every attack just makes people like him more. They have every right and reason to be terrified of Trump. But I'd argue it gets even worse for the Democrats and the leftist attack machine. 

The real terror that the Democrats will face will be that Trump's path of destruction will be cheered on by the people, and everyone else they attacked or attempted to subdue to seize and secure power. 

The ground is already fertile for this. As I wrote, Elon Musk, Rumble, and Truth Social are already launching lawsuits with the assistance of state district attorneys from Texas and Missouri against media outlets and leftist advocacy groups like Media Matters. The support these lawsuits have is largely positive, and the promise that some real damage could be done to the Democrat Party and its attack dogs is going to cause some salivation among the populace. 

The promise of these lawsuits, one of which is being undertaken by a company with Trump's name on it, could keep Trump's popularity pretty high. Why?

Spite, and not just spite from Trump supporters. 

Democrats have made a lot of enemies and in a variety of ways. Biden has been an embarrassing failure that many see as both corrupt and incapable. The sour taste of the forced vaccines lingers on the tongues of many a voter. Parents are bitter as the Democrats continue to force sex and sexuality on their children on top of the rewriting of history to make children embrace racism. The media lies and lies and lies and despite continued embarrassment and Americans slowly but surely withdrawing from mainstream sources, they refuse to stop playing propaganda master for the Democrat Party. 

And then there's the economy. Even for those not paying attention to politics, it's hard to ignore the fact that food and gas have gotten wildly expensive while wages have stayed the same...if you still have a job. Even celebrities like Cardi B are openly defying Biden's administration by commenting on the absolutely pathetic state of the economy under the Democrat's watch, and former leftist activists are even unsure if they'll vote for Biden to the shock of the media for failing their communities. 

People feel abandoned, attacked, and disappointed. They know two things. One, that this is all the Democrat's fault, and two, things were better when Trump was in charge. 

Retribution will become part of Trump's charm. In fact, his popularity might be tied to it, like a gladiator winning the crowd's approval by drawing the most blood. And if Trump has the support of the people to bring those who made their lives miserable for four years to justice, then there's very little they can do to defend themselves. The media can't spin it half as well as they used to, and the Democrats will have depleting reserves of money as donations become fewer and lawsuits become abundant. 

But this is the bed Democrats made. This is the fight they started. What comes around goes around, and it's going to come right back to them. They tried their hardest to stop it by pulling every dirty trick and underhanded maneuver in the book, but it only made it worse.


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