
White Leftist Journalists Are a Plague, Especially for Minorities

AP Photo/Ron Harris

I could make a list of white leftist journalists who have done nothing good for society, and the list would not only be long, it'd be missing names because there are so many that I'm bound to forget a few. Taylor Lorenz, Jim Acosta, Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough, and more have all gone above and beyond to not give you the news, but an agenda. 

In the end, modern leftist journalists aren't journalists at all, but activists wearing a figurative costume. Journalism is supposed to be about a fact-finder getting the truth; now, it's just the person with a bullhorn spinning the will of the powerful. 

White leftist journalists are the absolute worst, however, and no one suffers at their hands more than minority Americans. 

It was white leftist journalists who dedicated unbelievable amounts of time to spurring the Black Lives Matter riots, be they talking heads on television to editors in newsrooms. 

What will always stand out to me is a story I did in 2020 about Harvard economist Roland Fryer, who researched to see if the claim made by journalists and activists that police made crime worse in black neighborhoods was true. He quickly found that it wasn't the police that were the problem. In fact, their absence led to more violence. The most common factor in rising violence and destruction in black neighborhoods was how much the media was focusing on that area. 

Fryer took this information to the media only to have them tell him to keep it to himself: 

While additional research is still needed to find the direct cause of the increase in homicides, the real culprit seems to be the media.

And the media, according to Fryer, isn’t wanting to give him the time of day about it. Fryer attempted to show his information to the media but was dismissed out of hand. According to the Harvard professor, the media has an “absolute refusal to grapple with the data,” and what’s more, there was an “insistence” that he shouldn’t publicize the data at all.

So what we have here is mounting evidence that the media’s involvement in the loss of black life in America is substantial and a professor attempting to show the media its fault. The media’s response was to not only ignore him but to encourage the professor to be silent about it.

You have to ask yourself if there would have even been riots had the media not effectively egged on the destruction and violence with every report. Even when it was clear that black neighborhoods and towns were being burned to the ground, the media painted rioters in a sympathetic light. In 2019, Chris Cuomo went so far as to praise the domestic terror group Antifa, his second time doing so

Even as I write this, the media is attempting to kick up a third set of riots by lying about the circumstances around the justified police shooting of Dexter Reed. 

(READ: Now We Know the Democrats Are Desperate About 2024)

The disrespect by the white leftist press is so pervasive that they even want to relabel the identity of entire races to suit their own agendas. As you may know, the social justice left has been trying to saddle Hispanic and Latin peoples with the label of "Latinx." Despite repeatedly attempting to normalize the phrase, Hispanic people rejected it outright, and it never caught on and was wildly unpopular. 

Unwilling to learn their lesson, journalists are trying to normalize labeling the Latin community with their own brand by going with a new word, "Latine." As Brittany Sheehan wrote on Thursday, the new word is being pushed with gusto regardless of the fact that the majority of the Hispanic and Latin communities don't want or need it: 

While the younger generation embraces the Frankenstein of "Latine" with open arms, with 43 percent of respondents aged 18-29 comfortable using it, older individuals seem to view it with skepticism as only 33 percent of those 65 and older find comfort in "Latine's" stitched-together form. In states along the U.S.-Mexico border or in the Midwest, over half of respondents expressed discomfort with the term "Latine," echoing similar sentiments from more than 60 percent of respondents aged 65 and older.

Despite "Latine's" attempt at rebranding from its ancestral terror, "Latinx" the tried and tested labels of Latino/a and Hispanic reign supreme among the majority of respondents, encompassing over 80 percent of the population. Following closely behind are preferences for descriptors tied to specific countries of origin, adding layers of undead national identity such as "Mexican-American" or "Cuban-American."

This isn't an attempt to create a more inclusive and respectful term for people. There already is one. This is a disrespectful attempt to bring an entire race of people under a column they can use their own language to control the narrative about. There is nothing good about what they're doing despite their trying to paint it with the brush of "inclusiveness." 

(READ: We Have to Stop Using the Left's Descriptive Language)

Minorities should not ever consider white leftist journalists their friends. 



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