The Vine

Welcome to The Vine, where every week I strive to bring you updates from around the pro-life community to help you keep up with the ever constant battle to save lives. If you aren’t plugged-in, it is my sincere hope that The Vine will allow you to get familiar with those on the front lines and find your place among them.


There are many reasons to love October – the lovely weather, the picturesque foliage, the pumpkin spice everything… but for the pro-life community October is so much more. This past Sunday Christians across the country celebrated Respect Life Sunday, a month long program dedicated to the understanding that all human life is precious and must be cared for. “Each of us is a masterpiece of God’s creation,” is this year’s theme and, as Streiff at Redstate points out, we are making “baby steps” forward in helping others see the truth of God’s beautiful design.

40 Days for Life continues throughout October and is entering it’s second week of pro-lifers standing united in prayer to end abortion. Today’s update brings the great news that 86 babies (that we know of) have been saved from abortion during the campaign so far. Already a well-known truth in the pro-life community is becoming apparent – when expectant mothers are allowed to see their unborn child through ultrasound, they almost always choose life. Because abortion providers know that women will choose to keep their baby, they do not allow the ultrasound to be seen or heard by the expectant mother; and unless ordered by law, abortion clinics often avoid giving ultrasounds. In the words of one abortionist, quoted at Life News:


They [the women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn’t want to have an abortion. (1)

In solidarity with the over 56,000,000 children who have been silenced in abortion, pro-life students will take part in the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity on Tuesday, October 21st. Using red tape and a permanent marker, participants will “give up their voices for a day” while making a powerful statement for those who cannot speak. Students For Life has centered their October Event In A Box around the occasion and is offering students free materials to help them succeed in their effort.

October is full of opportunities to get involved in the pro-life movement and, while most concentrate on educating people about unborn babies, it is also a time to inform others on one of the negative consequences of the pinking of America. While buying every pink thing is sight seems like a good idea, those wishing to donate to breast cancer research this month must be wise in their giving. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has a long standing relationship with Planned Parenthood, despite the evidence that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Additionally, after former Komen VP Karen Handel attempted to help Komen cut ties with the abortion giant, Komen opted to allow themselves to be bullied by supporters instead; resuming their relationship with Planned Parenthood and parting ways with Handel.


However, despite being in bed with large organizations and the government, Planned Parenthood continues to lose the battle. Texas welcomed October with a huge win for life – court approval for implementation of HB2, which requires abortion clinics to have the same minimum standards as other surgical centers. According to Life News, 14 abortion clinics have shut down since the ruling last Thursday, leaving only nine remaining. For their consistent lead in the fight for life, this week’s Branch for Life goes to Texas. As Texas goes, so goes the nation, we pray.

Finally, an update on “Britain’s most hated woman,” Josie Cunningham. The Vine previously covered Cunningham’s decision to abort her child for the chance to appear on a television show, then her change of mind upon feeling her baby kick on the way to the clinic. Since then, Cunningham has struggled with her pregnancy, reportedly smoking and drinking after finding out she was due to have a boy (her third) instead of a girl. Going into labor nine days early, Cunningham gave birth to her child last week – and she had a perfectly healthy girl! Our God is a God of second chances and Cunningham and her new daughter, Grace, are a beautiful reminder of God’s abounding love for us. Congratulations to Josie and her family, I hope you will join me in continuing to pray for them. P.S. Josie, we don’t hate you.


Until next week, I pray blessings for you and for all committed to life in The Vine. Please feel free to email or tweet me with any stories you’d like to see covered or any organizations you’d like to see as the Branch For Life!


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