New Record Unfavoribilty, Less Enthusiasm and Less Party Support for Hillary


The new ABC News/Washington Post Tracking poll released Monday, finds that Hillary Clinton’s unfavorability rating has reached a new high and is now higher that Donald Trump’s unfavorable rating. Sixty percent of voters now hold a negative opinion of Hillary. That is  slightly worse than Trump, who has a 58 percent rating.


The poll was taken Oct. 26-29 and included two nights of results that came after FBI Director James Comey announced the discovery of new emails that appear to pertain to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while serving as Secretary of State.

Clinton supporters who were surveyed after Comey’s bombshell were less likely to say they were “very enthusiastic” about their candidate, compared to those who were interviewed before Comey’s announcement on Friday.

ABC News reports there is now less enthusiasm and less party support for Hillary:

97 percent of Trump supporters see Clinton unfavorably, 90 percent strongly so; 95 percent of Clinton supporters see Trump unfavorably, 90 percent, again, strongly so.

Beneath these results is a possible slip in enthusiasm for Clinton. Using just the last two nights’ results — after FBI Director James Comey revealed a further Clinton-related email investigation — 47 percent of her supporters say they’re very enthusiastic about her, compared with 51 percent across the previous six nights.

Overall vote preferences haven’t changed since Comey’s announcement, and the change in strong enthusiasm for Clinton is not statistically significant and could reflect night-to-night variability. Still, it bears watching.

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With the latest results, it is the first time in tracking that Trump has had higher support among Republicans than Clinton’s among Democrats, 89 versus 87 percent. The 2 point difference is not close to statistically significant but is another result to follow in the days ahead.

The data show Clinton going from 95 percent support among liberal Democrats early in the tracking poll to 88 percent now, while Trump has gone from 89 percent among conservative Republicans to 94 percent now.


According to the Washington Post, Trump now has an advantage with Independent voters:

Political independents recoil at both major-party candidates, as neither has maintained a stable advantage with the group, but the latest tracking poll finds the group seeing Trump in a less negative light than Clinton. A 58-percent majority of independent registered voters have an unfavorable view of Trump, rising to 69 percent unfavorable for Clinton. Trump holds a 17-point edge in vote preference among independent likely voters (51 to 34 percent).

It is curious that the tracking poll didn’t continue to ask the question about whether the newly revealed emails made it less likely that they would vote for Hillary,  as they did on Friday and Saturday. Or maybe they did and just didn’t want to share the results.


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