Morning Briefing for July 19, 2010

RedState Morning Briefing
For July 19, 2010

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1. Senate Republicans to Tea Party Activists: Go To H – E – Double Hockeysticks

I told you a while back about a small group of Republican Senators sitting down for drinks at the Capitol Hill Club. They’d been to a tea party rally that day and were openly mocking the tea partiers. One of them, a guy tea partiers adore, seemed to hold them in open contempt at this table.Well, between the tea partiers and Jim DeMint, these Republican Senators are getting a lot of heartburn and are starting to speak out. One of the good old boys of the club who can speak freely because he’s on the outside lobbying in now is the former leader of the Senate Republicans, Trent Lott.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. WH: Individual mandate now a tax.

If you are surprised at this… [deep breath] well. You should not be.”When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s ‘power to lay and collect taxes.'”Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Republicans “Make Their Stand On The Backs Of The Unemployed.” Really??

So sayeth our President, at least.Shortly after George Bush took office, that surplus we keep hearing so much about was rounded down significantly…this is not mentioned in any of Obama’s rhetoric. The internet bubble burst, and the economy tanked…Obama is silent here as well. 9/11, and the costs associated with a call to a war he still wages? Nada. Through it all, Bush at least had the class to take it on the chin…Obama, notsomuch. And for all Obama does to deflect, Bush still holds himself responsible for his tenure while Obama busies himself with this “surge” of his in the class wars, lining his re-election campaign pockets with the angst of the victim class he has single-handedly grown and emboldened…making them angry at everyone else and holding every one but themselves responsible for all of their problems.In his weekly address, the Blamer-In-Chief™ doubled down with his tiresome strategy of blaming Republicans for the troubles we face as a nation.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Senator Lisa Murkowski Sells Out Conservatives — Again

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has done it again. Earlier this week we learned that Lisa Murkowski opposes the repeal of ObamaCare. RS Insider has been informed that there is a strong push by Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) to pass S. 1011, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act, also known as the “Akaka Bill,” this year with the active support of Senator Murkowski. The bill, sponsored by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), sets up an unconstitutional race based separate government entity for Native Hawaiians The lone Republican co-sponsor is none other than Senator Lisa Murkowski. This is the same Lisa Murkowski who was elected Vice Chairwoman of the whole Republican Conference in June of last year and is supposed to lead against terrible liberal ideas — not for them. Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. It is time for conservatives to get off the fence in KS-01

Lots of conservatives have sat out KS-01 because we all like Rob Wassinger, who worked for Sam Brownback, but whose campaign is going nowhere.But because of that, conservatives have let down Tim Huelskamp, a solidly pro-life, fiscal conservative that both I, Concerned Women of America, the Club for Growth have endorsed.Surveys are coming out showing the most liberal man (big spending and pro-abortion) in the race is now pulling ahead in a race where a conservative should be winning.This is one of those seats where if conservatives do not act immediately, a terrible Republican will get elected, serve forty years in Congress, and we will hate every minute of it.Tim Huelskamp is the conservative with the best chance of winning.Please click here for the rest of the post.



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