Morning Briefing for July 29, 2010

RedState Morning Briefing
For July 29, 2010

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1. Did the Federal Government Cause the BP Oil Spill?

Step back for a minute. It is a “known fact” that BP’s actions and handling of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon caused the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.It is an actual fact that the oil spill did not start until after the oil platform sunk.There is a growing body of evidence that the Coast Guard and fire team handling the blaze on the platform made a series of mistakes that contributed to the oil spill. Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. SB. 1070’s Stay Of Execution

I know there is a great deal of anger and frustration out there… amongst the 70% of you who are racists that believe immigration laws should be enforced… about Federal Judge Susan Bolton’s willingness to be bought by Obama and the Holder DoJ, but all I can do is laugh…and I mean gut-wrenching, jiggly mid-section guffaw. Seriously…relax people, get some popcorn and consider the pretzel logic of this hilarity.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Judd Gregg, Kent Conrad Push Massive Tax Increases in Lame Duck Session

Obviously, balancing the federal budget is a worthy goal – an extremely important one, in fact. Congress has massively increased spending, to the point that the United States is projected to run inordinately high deficits for years to come. The problem is one of historic proportions. It would be a welcome change if this Congress were to consider a package of spending cuts before the election, designed to restore the nation’s long-term fiscal balance.But Congressional leaders and the White House recognize that it might be unpopular to push for spending cuts or tax increases before an election. They are deeply worried about the political impact of a controversial vote – one that might lead to catastrophic losses for the majority party. So rather than doing something gutsy, they are shifting responsibility to an unelected commission, and deferring a vote until a lame duck session of Congress.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Sharron Angle is in a Good Position Against Harry Reid

Here is a not so secret dirty little secret. For the past month a lot of conservatives have been nervous over Sharron Angle’s Senate bid in Nevada. Her campaign seemed uncoordinated and unprofessional — amateurishly caught off guard by the hell unleashed on her.Behind the scenes, Sharron Angle recognized she needed to regroup and reassess. For the past couple of weeks there has been a reorganization, some new faces, and renewed commitment to winning. Angle realizes a lot more is at stake than just beating Harry Reid.Conservatives went with Angle against Sue Lowden. If Angle screws us, there will be a lot of egg on a lot of conservatives’ faces by the “we told you so” crowd — some of whom would actually like to see Harry Reid win so they can rub it in.I’ve now been on the ground in Nevada, met with Sharron Angle, gotten to know her updated campaign team, and talked to Nevada voters. Harry Reid should be scared.Take a look at the various surveys of Nevada, including the latest Rasmussen survey that has it 45% to 43% in favor of Reid, and I’m not so worried about Sharron Angle being two points behind the incumbent Majority Leader of the United States Senate.After left-wing groups have poured more than $11 (ELEVEN) million into Nevada to tar and feather both Sharron Angle and the tea party movement, she is only two points behind. More troubling for Reid, after all the shift in support away from Angle, Reid hovers at 45% and can’t get most of the undecideds to come to him.Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. Federal Grand Jury Is Investigating Former Congressman Nathan Deal

Nathan Deal and Karen Handel are locked in a nasty runoff fight for Governor in Georgia. Today comes word from the Atlanta Journal that a federal grand jury is investigating Nathan Deal.It doesn’t sound good.Please click here for the rest of the post.

6. Christians Discriminated Against at Augusta State University?

In Michigan, a federal judge has upheld the expulsion of a graduate school student for believing homosexuality is morally wrong.Hot Air has the story about Jennifer Keeton. Keeton, trying to graduate from Augusta State University in Augusta, Georgia, has been told she cannot get certification in counseling unless she abandons orthodox teachings of her Christian faith.You guessed it — Keeton, a Christian, is not supportive of “gay rights”.Please click here for the rest of the post.

7. Georgia Congressman Claims He Didn’t Know Much About Planned Parenthood Before Voting to Give Them Money

The other day I noted that Congressman Nathan Deal, back in 1993, voted to explicitly fund abortions via Planned Parenthood. I was wrong. The vote was to implicitly allow Planned Parenthood to fund abortions. Deal did, however, explicitly vote for embryonic stem cell research.As Congressman Deal explained Monday night:”Politicians who vote to give your money to abortion providers can spin it anyway they like, but taxpayer dollars for one service frees up money elsewhere to provide abortion services””Buried in the comments from Deal about this is not just an admission against interest that his vote for funding offset tax dollars to free up money for abortion, but also an attempt to play dumb on what Planned Parenthood was all about.Please click here for the rest of the post.

8. Who is Rob Fisher?

Red Maryland has obtained documents, which show cyber security executive, Rob Fisher, who is challenging GOP favorite Andy Harris in the Republican primary for Maryland’s first district congressional seat, has stronger ties to the Commonwealth of Virginia than Maryland.According to the Maryland State Board of Elections Fisher registered to vote in Maryland in 1996 but has not voted in a single election in Maryland since registering. However, Fisher has been registered to vote in Virginia since 2006Please click here for the rest of the post.



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