Morning Briefing for February 14, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing
For February 14, 2011

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Happy Valentine’s Day. You have ordered flowers, right? If not, here are some sites you may want to go to ASAP: FTD, 1-800-Flowers, Teleflora, ProFlowers.

Info on St. Valentine can be found here.

1. Save the Date

2. Obama’s deficit reduction – a measly $400 billion over ten years

3. Finally Asking My Question of Donald Rumsfeld

4. Ron Paul Supporters Boo, Heckle Rumsfeld and Cheney

5. Young Americans For Freedom Expel Ron Paul



1. Save the Date

We’re not ready to take registrations yet, but I want you to please save the date on your calendar.From August 12th to August 14th, please join Governor Nikki Haley and for the 2011 RedState Gathering in Charleston, South Carolina.We’ll have plenty of speakers, plenty of fun, and embrace the rich southern hospitality the low country is known for.More details will be forthcoming.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Obama’s deficit reduction – a measly $400 billion over ten years

President Obama offers deficit reductions of a woefully inadequate $400 billion over ten years as he continues his ”trillion-dollar deficits for years to come.”In this week’s edition of his, or rather “Your Weekly Address,” President Obama claims he is ”proposing a new budget that will help us live within our means”.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Finally Asking My Question of Donald Rumsfeld

I had a novel experience last Thursday–I had lunch with my boss in our office conference room, not as we have untold numbers of times, but as a blogger hoping to get a question in.In a way it was a lunch more than four years in the making.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Ron Paul Supporters Boo, Heckle Rumsfeld and Cheney

Here at RedState we have experienced several influxes of Ronbots but our first real introduction to the type of person we were dealing with occurred as the 2008 primaries were heating up. Their monomania — along with mouthbreathing and poor personal hygiene — forced us to take the unprecedented step of banning them on sight.Any doubt that we have unfairly maligned them disappeared this past week at CPAC where they booed and shouted anti-Semitic slogans at two of the pre-eminent public servants our side has produced in the past couple of decades.It started with former Secretary of Defense being invited to receive an award by CPAC and to speak. In response, Ron Paul’s supporters, many of them paid to attend, booed him and staged a walkout.Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. Young Americans For Freedom Expel Ron Paul

In a statement evocative of William F. Buckley, Jr. when he excoriated Robert Welch and the John Birch Society as being “far removed from reality and common sense”, the Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative/libertarian youth group founded in 1960, has given Ron Paul (Crank – TX) the boot from its board of directors.Please click here for the rest of the post.



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