Dear Candidates: An Invitation to Have A Conversation

Below is a letter that will be going out to each campaign for President from me. The campaigns will get additional information beyond what is in this public release, including more expansive information on the media, broadcast information, contact information, etc.But we want to make this available publicly because of the number of inquiries we’re all getting about what we are doing and also to give both the campaigns and their supporters a heads up. We do hope the campaigns will participate and grassroots conservatives will encourage the campaigns to participate.Thanks.



Dear Candidates:

This letter is written on behalf of Brent Bozell with For America, Ned Ryun with American Majority, Drew Ryun with American Majority Action, and myself. 

Combined we give voice to millions of conservative activists across the country and know that most conservatives believe we have not had a chance to have a real vetting of candidates in Campaign 2012 because of the lack of substance in most of the debates.

Consequently, we would like to provide a unique opportunity for the candidates.  On the attached page we describe the details of the conversation.

Please note that these would be individual conversations and not all candidates present at the same time.  We will work with each candidate’s schedule to provide an evening for each candidate individually.

The conversation will be before an audience coordinated with conservatives in the metro-Atlanta area and the candidates’ own campaigns.  It would be broadcast live on WSB radio, the largest talk radio station in the country.  It would also be streamed live on the internet with the ability to embed on campaign websites and a television feed would be available without restriction for use by broadcast networks.


Given the desire to do these one on one with the candidates, we will work to accommodate the candidates’ schedules.  You may contact me at the address, phone number, and email address above.  We hope Congresswoman Bachmann would be willing to sit and discuss her vision for the country in a conversation led by conservatives for conservatives.

I have enclosed a more specific page on what we are offering.

Sincerely yours,

Erick-Woods Erickson


A Candid Conversation

For Conservatives and By Conservatives

The Presidential candidates are invited to Atlanta, Georgia for a candid conversation hosted by, For America, American Majority, and American Majority Action.


Three chairs on stage

Brent Bozell on the candidate’s right

Erick Erickson on the candidate’s left

The candidate in the center

The candidate, Brent Bozell, and Erick Erickson would engage in a free form conversation that would be guided by questions submitted by video on the internet from conservative activists around the country and vetted by American Majority and American Majority Action.

There will be a live studio audience of conservative voters.

Please note this will be an opportunity to discuss and vet the candidate’s record and ideas, not an opportunity to attack the Republican opponents.


Two hours for a total of 1.5 hours of conversation and several breaks for media format.


Atlanta, GA


We will accommodate the candidates based on their schedule, but insist all conversations be held between October 17, 2011 and December 16, 2011



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