Morning Briefing for February 10, 2012

RedState Morning Briefing
For February 10, 2012

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If you are at CPAC today, my buddy Todd Starnes is doing a book signing at 10:00 a.m. today in Exhibit Hall B for his book Dispatches From Bitter America. Also, do not forget all the awesome Regnery authors who will be present.

1. The Frontrunner

2. Tim Murphy’s Love Affair with Big Labor

3. House Brings Conservative Reform to Broken Highway System

4. A $54 Billion Bailout

5. Why Are Republicans ‘Evolving’ On Transportation Spending?



1. The Frontrunner

The other night I was having dinner and Pat Cadell, Jimmy Carter’s pollster and a very honest liberal, came up to me. He said bluntly that if his side’s front runner had lost 3 of the first 8 elections and been swept out last Tuesday, by Wednesday the Democrats would have a new candidate in the race.He is right.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Tim Murphy’s Love Affair with Big Labor

Keith Impink runs Westmoreland Electric, a small business in Tarrs, Pennsylvania which was founded in 1988 with two employees and a truck. His company, now 65 employees strong, is the type of job creator we should empower to move our state and country out of these difficult economic times.The painful irony for local job creators like Keith is their very own Congressman, Tim Murphy, has consistently voted to make it harder for small businesses to grow, thrive and prosper.Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. House Brings Conservative Reform to Broken Highway System

Yesterday morning we awoke to find that the New York Times Editorial Board and Redstate’s Erick Erickson had aligned themselves on an issue by both taking a shot at the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act, a bill the House will consider next week. Usually when a situation like that arises, something’s amiss. And that is certainly the case today. It’s not surprising the New York Times hates the bill – it’s the most conservative plan for America’s infrastructure in anyone’s lifetime. That’s why Erick’s post this morning was so surprising. But there’s an explanation. Put simply, he has his facts wrong. I’ve known Erick a number of years, and he’s usually a straight shooter, but his critique missed the mark – big time.Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. A $54 Billion Bailout

Our friends at Hertiage Action have a great piece out that looks at CBO data and says that if House Republicans vote for the Highway Bill, they are basically guaranteeing a $54 billion bailout of the Highway Trust fund over the next five years.It’s incredible that anyone would even consider this good policy, let alone conservative. The Club for Growth is advocating that members of Congress vote NO on the Highway Bill and instead call for devolution of the gas tax and highway spending to the states.Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. Why Are Republicans ‘Evolving’ On Transportation Spending?

Throughout the week, Republicans have expressed their shock and dismay that we would have the unbridled temerity to oppose a highway bill. They want to know why we are suddenly opposed to such basic things as transportation bills, even ones that will leave us with a $70 billion budget shortfall. They are impugning our motives, charging us with opposing everything that emanates from leadership.Well, once upon a time, it wasn’t just conservative outsiders who supported the notion that we peg transportation spending to the level of gas tax revenue. In fact, just last July, members of the T and I Committee, led by Chairman John Mica, introduced a bill that would do just that. They drafted a plan for a 6-year reauthorization bill that would cost $230 billion, roughly commensurate to the gas tax revenue over that same period. At the time, we heaped accolades upon that bill.Please click here for the rest of the post.



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