Morning Briefing for May 10, 2012

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RedState Morning Briefing
May 10, 2012

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1. The Media and Barack Obama’s Pauline Kael Moment on Gay Marriage

If you listen to Barack Obama’s statement to ABC News yesterday you’ll hear something not reflected in all the transcripts that went out yesterday. He said his administration gave up the legal fight to defend the Defense Against Marriage Act. It’s actually the Defense Of Marriage Act.Obama claimed DOMA made marriage a federal issue and it should be a state issue. That’s a gross mischaracterization of DOMA, but for now that’s besides the point. Two days after major gay donors said they’d withhold funding from his campaign and one day before his swank $40,000.00 a person fundraiser with George Clooney, Barack Obama publicly reversed course on gay marriage. The Washington Free Beacon’s headline says it all: Gay For Pay.Obama looks weak and under duress. He looks weak because he would not come out before the North Carolina vote and under duress because he only did so now as his donors held his campaign hostage. Now President Obama might as well be called President Dick Cheney. In addition to GTMO still in use and warrantless wiretaps still being deployed, Obama comes out in favor of the states’ individually deciding the issue while supporting it himself. It’s the gay marriage equivalent of being personally pro-life, but supporting a person’s right to choose. It is also, like GTMO and warrentless wiretaps, Dick Cheney’s position — a position the much maligned former Vice President held even after Obama went from being for gay marriage, to against gay marriage, to evolving on gay marriage.But there is another angle to this as well.Barack Obama and the Washington Press Corps, aligned perfectly on this issue, are oblivious to one overwhelming data point.Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Infographic: The Obama Economy

The Romney campaign has released a good new infographic detailing the truth about Obama’s promised “green economy” job gains. (Click on the graphic to view full size.)Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Obama: Troops Are Fighting On My Behalf

When Barack Obama made his unsurprising announcement that he has finally evolved far enough to endorse homosexual marriage, ironically an evolutionary dead end, he made two other interesting statements.First, he attributes his evolution to his Christian faith. This is sort of odd, speaking as a Trinitarian Christian, because it puts Christ in the position of disavowing himself. This is not surprising. Anyone who learned Christian theology from Jeremiah Wright is bound to have imbibed a substantial number of heresies.The most surprising statement was this:[W]hen I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf…Please click here for the rest of the post.



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