A Story That Needed Telling

I have been very angry, though privately, with people who have attacked Ben Sasse for being friends with Mike Leavitt, the former Bush Secretary of Health and Human Services who sucks on Obamacare. I have been privy to private information. I’m very glad the Sasse campaign is now telling this story.


On the day Ben Sasse was to meet his new boss, Mike Leavitt, Ben’s wife had a terrible brain aneurysm while out with the kids. Melissa Sasse ultimately lived, but lost vision in her left eye and cannot drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt have been quite kind to the Sasse family and were a source of comfort to the Sasse family during that trying time. It is appalling to me that anyone would want Ben Sasse to turn his back on Mike Leavitt after that.

Ben Sasse does not agree with Leavitt on Obamacare. His opponents have done their best to tie Sasse’s views to Leavitt’s. It is unfortunate, but also politics.

The Sasse family suffered over $100,000.00 in insurance costs with two insurance companies fighting over which would pay. Ben Sasse understands the need for real reform and he understands what a horrible law Obamacare is in addressing the real problems of healthcare in this country.


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